Chapter 10

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         The next morning I woke up to Kiera's face in front of mine.

"We're moving into the flat today!" she said excitedly.

"I know! This is so exciting!" I said just as excitedly.

           I got out of bed, and went to shower. I got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast because we had a big day ahead of us. Kiera was already downstairs and dressed. We had some cereal, and then went back upstairs. I decided to tell Harry about the news and that I wouldn't be able to do anything today, so I called him.

"Hello beautiful!" he answered.

"Hey Haz!" I replied. "Listen, I can't hang out today because my mom got me and Kiera our own flat, and we're gonna try and move in today. Is that okay?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, that's fine. But I'll miss you!"

"Oh, you're such a cutie!"                    

"Thanks! Oh hey, we aren't busy today so do you girls need any help 'cause me and Niall will come over and help." he offered.

"Oh, that's a great idea! Sure you can come over anytime." I agreed.

"Aright we'll be there in a few. I love you!" he said.

"Love you too!" I said and then hung up. This was gonna be great! I was getting really excited! Not that I wasn't already, but this just made it even better. A few minutes later I heard a car pull into the driveway. Kiera and I ran downstairs to answer the door.

"Hey baby!" Niall said to Kiera.

"Hey Ni!" she replied as she jumped into his arms and started snogging. They were so cute together. It was tots adorbs!!!! :)  

"Hello love!" Harry said as he got back to reality from watching Kiera and Niall's reunion.

"Hey Haz! Thanks for coming to help." I said as I came towards him and pecked his lips.

"No problem!" he said. Kiera and Niall were still going at it so me and Harry just went upstairs to start packing. I decided to start packing my clothes, and Harry helped me. I grabbed everything of mine from the closet, and Harry got my clothes from the drawers. I looked over at him just as he opened my drawer with all of my undies and bras in it. I immediately ran over in front of him and shut the drawer. I turned around to look at him, blushing like crazy. Harry had a huge smile on his face.

"Looks like Lily's a little embarrassed. It's okay. I don't mind." he said with a wink.

"Yeah, okay, I'll pack this drawer if you don't mind." I told him.

"Awwww, but I kind of wanted to do it." he said as he tried to do a puppy dog face, and was epically failing.

"You have a sick mind, Harry." I said as I grabbed an armful of my underwear and walked over to my bag and shoved it in.

"Yeah but you love me anyways." he said.

"Of course, for infinity remember?" I reminded him. He walked over to me and slid his arms around my waist.

"Yeah, for infinity." he said. He was leaning in just about to kiss me when Kiera and Niall came through the door. Talk about awkward.

"Oh, I hope we're not interrupting anything!" Niall said as he noticed us.

"No, of course not!" I said with a hint of sarcasm. Harry pulled his arms away and went back to the drawers to get more clothes. We continued packing all of the clothes and stuffed the bags into Harry's car. Then we grabbed the toiletries and the bedding and put that into my mom's car. Then we fit some other things, like personal belongings and pictures that were on the walls, into my car. My mom had called up for a moving truck to come and get our furniture from our room, which was coming around 2. We had some time, so we decided to drive the things we had packed over to the flat so that me and Kiera could see what it looked like and claim rooms and stuff. We drove for about 10 minutes until we arrived at the flat. It looked perfect for me and Kiera. It was light blue with white shutters on all the windows. We parked in the driveway and brought all the bags we could carry into the flat. When we walked in, it was just like I had imagined it. I walked down the hallway and then up a short flight of stairs. I walked down that hallway and found the perfect room for me. The walls were painted a light pink and there was a beautiful balcony facing out behind the house. I decided that this was my room. I had claimed it. I put my bags down, and then went back downstairs to get the other bags. Kiera had found her way upstairs too and claimed a room with light green walls and a balcony as well. It's like this flat was made for us. It was perfect. It had a kitchen, living area with a T.V., 3 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms. I loved it and I couldn't wait to fully move into it. Kiera lugged all of her bags upstairs after finding her room, and I brought the rest of mine up as well. After that it started to get to be around 2 o'clock so we headed back to our house to meet the moving truck and load our stuff.

           We got back to the house, and the truck was already there. We went upstairs and told the moving people what to take down. They took our beds, the dresser, the nightstand, and lastly my piano. I told them to be extra careful with that. After they loaded that stuff, we got back in the cars and drove back to the flat. The movers unloaded the truck and put our things where we wanted them, which took about an hour and a half. Kiera and I felt completely moved in after that. There was already furniture in the living room and other room.

"So girls, are you excited?" my mom asked after the movers left.

"Are we excited? Is that even a question to ask? Of course we are!" I said in a "duh" kind of tone.

"Good, I'm glad. Well I'll just leave you to unpack you're things. See you guys later." she said as she walked out the door. After that me, Kiera, Harry, and Niall all went upstairs to unpack. Harry helped me, and Niall helped Kiera. When me and Harry got into my room we unpacked my clothes and put my toiletries in the bathroom across the hall. Then we came back to my room to check if everything was unpacked. When Harry walked in, he closed the door. He walked over to me, grabbed my shoulders, and turned me around to face him. He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him.

"It's nice to have you're own place now, huh." he said.

"Yeah, it is." I agreed. He then leaned in and kissed me. He pulled away slowly letting his lips linger lightly on mine. The he proceeded to kiss me down my jaw line, then down my neck.

"Harry." I said.

"Mmh." he mumbled against my skin.

"Harry, stop." I said. He took his lips off my neck, and looked at me with a confused look on his face.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Harry, I'm still not ready." I told him once again.

"Oh, right, I'm sorry. I forgot." Harry apologized.

"That's the thing. You can't forget Harry. I'm seriously not ready." I said a little shaky. My eyes started to water a bit.

"Why, what's wrong? Why are you about to cry? Baby, tell me." he pleaded.

"Okay, well......." and I began to tell him about my experience with Ryan. And let me tell you, it was not easy telling him, because the whole time he had a look of horror on his face. I could tell he was shocked, and frustrated with himself for making me upset. But, I didn't blame him, because he didn't have a clue. When I finished telling my story, he took a second to react.

"Gosh, Lily I didn't know. I'm so sorry. But I promise I'll never do anything to you like that. I'll wait for you to be ready. I promise I won't push it. I would never put you in danger like that. I love you too much." he said.

"Thanks Harry, I appreciate it. But promise is a pretty big word. Let's stick with that you'll try." I said.

"Okay. I truly am sorry though. I won't do it again." he said. I leaned in and hugged him, snuggling my head into his neck.

"I know you won't" I said as I snuggled in closer to him.

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