Chapter 2

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(Lily's birthday)

        I woke up to the smell of pancakes cooking in the kitchen. Today was my birthday, and I was officially 18! I was so excited for the day, and I had no idea what was in store for me. I ran downstairs and into the kitchen. Kiera, Eliza, and my mom were all sitting there talking.

"Good Morning sunshine!" my mom said. "Happy 18th Birthday!!"

"Thank you mom! I'm so excited for the day! What do you have planned?" I asked in excitement.

"Well first is breakfast, so eat up! I made your favorite. Chocolate chip pancakes!" she put a plate down in front of me as I sat down at the table. The pancake had a small candle in it that was lit. Then the three of them started singing Happy Birthday to me. I blew out the candles, making the best wish I could think of. Then I dug in and ate everything on my plate. It was so good.

"Okay Kiera and Lily, go get ready and dressed, and I will tell you what is next." my mom instructed. We bolted upstairs, got dressed, did our hair, brushed our teeth, and ran back downstairs in a matter of 15 minutes.

"We're ready!" I announced. Kiera turned to me and smiled.

"We're going on a shopping spree!!!!" she screamed in my face.

"No way!! Oh this is so exciting!!" I screamed back. We put on our shoes and grabbed our purses and headed out the door. We hopped into my car which I got last year. It was my grandparents old car that they gave to me. I put the key in the ignition and drove off. Kiera suggested we go to Faneuil Hall, which was full of wicked awesome stores. So we went there and parked. We got out and looked around to see where we wanted to go first. We decided on The Loft because we wanted to look at the dresses.

"OMG! This is so cute!!" I said to Kiera as I showed her a really cute peach colored strapless dress.

"That is cute! You should get it!" Kiera exclaimed as she looked me over with the dress in front of me.

"Okay I will." I said as I walked to the cashier. I paid for the dress and saw Kiera come up to the cashier with a pale blue dress that had a small white bow around the waist with spaghetti straps.

"That's adorable!" I said to her as I waited for her to pay.

"I know right! Maybe we can wear them to something special together." she exclaimed.

"Totally." I said as we left the store. We hit a few more shops, had some lunch, and went shopping some more. We both found shoes to match our dresses. It was getting close to three o'clock by then.

"Hey Kiera we should start heading home. It's already three o'clock." I said to Kiera as we left the store we were in.

"Yeah, but let's just go into this one shop and then we'll go." she replied as she was already walking into the store. She seemed a little hesitant when she said that. It was kind of like she was stalling. She didn't even like the store we went into. But I went in anyway, and we spent all of five minutes in there. We walked out of the store, and started making our way back to the car. I was talking to Kiera when all of a sudden I bumped into someone and fell to the ground.

"Oh, I'm so sorry love!" I heard the person say to me as they scrambled around on the ground, helping me pick up my bags. He was wearing a black hoodie with the hood up, and was keeping his head down. We both took our heads up and all I saw were these sparkling green eyes staring into mine. They were beautiful. After a minute he shook it off, got up, and held out his hand for me.

"Thanks." I said as I got to my feet.

"Of course, and I'm sorry for knocking you down, I wasn't looking where I was going." he replied.

"Oh no it was my fault, but thanks for helping me with my bags." I said.

"No problem. Well I better get going. I hope to meet you again love." he said as he began to walk away.

"But wait, I didn't catch your name!" I called after him, but he didn't turn around to answer. So me and Kiera continued walking to the car.

"Lily, I think he likes you!" Kiera said when we got in the car.

"I don't even know the guy! And he doesn't even know me! How can he like me?" I said as I started driving away.

"You guys had like a moment! When you both looked into each others eyes....................totally obvious." she said. "Don't even deny it."

"We just bumped into each other. It's no bug deal. And it's not like I'll see him again." Kiera shrugged and that was the end of the discussion. When we got home we grabbed the bags from the back seat and continued walking up the walkway. I reached for the door, turned the doorknob, and opened it.



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