Chapter 32//Simon and Alice Therapy

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"Ali, listen. The guys and I think it's a good idea that you and Simon talk things out. We're tired of having to pretend like everything is okay, and it's been bothering us." Josh, Tobi, and Vik stood infront of her.

"And how are we supposed to do that? He barely looks at me let alone talks to me..."

"Well, that's where the next part of our plan comes in." Tobi spoke, looking to Vik.

"We," he gestured to the three of them, "and the rest of the sidemen minus Simon, are going on a vacation. For a weekend. Now, you and Simon are going to be left in the house together."

"And we are going to tell Simon he has to look over you for the weekend just incase..." Josh added.

"So basically you want me to force a therapy session with him?"

"Kinda, yeah." Vik nodded.

"Okay, whatever. But if this doesn't work I'm gonna be mad that you made me waste a weekend..." Alice crossed her arms.

"Just do it for us, please. We all want what's best for both of you, and we're all around eachother 24/7. We don't want it to be awkward anymore." Josh nodded, the rest of the boys following his lead.

"Alright, I said okay already. When is all of this happening?"


"Oh, come on! You could've at least told me this last week!" Alice walked over to the door of her room in the sidemen house.

"We're sorry, we meant to but we couldn't. Not until we saw how you two acted around each other."

"Whatever. Just-go do what you must. I can't promise you this is gonna work." Alice opened her door to reveal Simon, stood there, listening to their conversation. She looked up at him, and into his eyes before she decided he didn't want to talk to her.

"Wait." He grabbed her arm as she walked away.

"What?" Alice asked, taking her arm back.

"What is it that these three want us to do?"

"I don't know. Why don't you ask them?" She pushed through him, making her way downstairs.

"Alice, wait!"

"What?" Alice sighed.


"Yeah, bye." Alice made her way to Vik's room, and sat down on his bed. She really did not want to deal with Simon right now.

Being four months and one week pregnant did not help with her irritation. Alice felt herself getting irritated with almost everything that happened to her during the day. It was horrible.

"Are you alright, Alice?" Vik approached her, putting a hand on her back.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Alice took a deep breath.

"Look, I know this isn't ideal for you or Simon but-"

"I get it, Vik. Life would be better if Simon and I were talking again."

"We just want you to be happy..." Vik crossed the room to his desk.

"That's what they all say..."

A few hours later, and Vik was packing. He'd explained to her that it was only until Sunday, and that they were going to a special party in Guernsey for Harry's little brother Josh. He'd requested that they all attend.

Simon had agreed to watch over Alice, as well. Of course, it was reluctant, as all boys can be... But eventually, he had no problem with it. He was ready to move on from the whole 'Alice playing Simon' thing, and be friends again. Alice was, as well.

"I'm sorry I have to leave you for the weekend..." Vik placed a hand on her cheek.

"It's fine." Alice smiled, placing her own hand on his wrist.

"It's not okay, I want to be with you."

"You're with me 24/7, take a break! Enjoy your weekend with the boys. I'll be here when you get home."


"I promise."

"Alright..." Vik stared into her eyes, slowly closing the gap between them.

"Vik!" Josh shouted from the steps, "LETS GO!"

Alice quickly closed the space between them, kissing him. "I love you."

"I love you too. I'll see you on Sunday." Vik began to walk out of the room, looking back at Alice before she was hidden by the wall.

She walked into the hall, noticing Simon hugging Jide. He looked over to her once the hug was over, making his way next to her.

Vik waved to her as JJ passed him by, closing the door. Alice sighed.

"So, Simon..." She turned to him.

"Listen, I'm ready to let go if you are... I don't understand why we did this in the first place." Simon scratched the back of his head.

"Agreed. You're my best friend, Simon." Alice wrapped her arms around his torso. He towered over her.

Simon hesitated, but eventually, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders as well. "You're my best friend." He whispered, squeezing her harder.

"I'm so sorry I hurt you the first time... And the second... And all the times in between... I didn't mean to, honestly. I was broken and tired and thought that everyone should feel the way I did." Alice placed her forehead against his chest.

"It's alright, Alice... I shouldn't have reacted the way I di-"

"No, Simon. You reacted well. I'm surprised you didn't beat Vik up, like Josh." Alice giggled.

"I wouldn't go that far. You know me, I'm more of a silent sufferer. Josh isn't silent..." He joined her.

"Well, I'm glad I have you back Minter."

"And you, Zerke- Barn." He smiled.

"It's okay, I'm still Alice Zerker to you."

"Your still the little Alice I met a few years ago."


"If you don't mind, Alice. I need to go record a few videos. I'll see you in an hour, and we'll go out to dinner." Simon released her, still smiling.

"Alright, Mr. Minter. I'll be ready in a few." Alice backed away, into Vik's room.

"Okay," Simon giggled, walking away.

Alice Zerker @omgitsalicez:
Glad to have everything sorted in my life. Love my best friend, @miniminter7😊😊

Wedgeman Simon @miniminter7:
@omgitsalicez I love you too, bestie❤️

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