Chapter 23: Part III

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I can't apologize enough for making you wait so long, but at last, I present to you...the long awaited Chapter 23!
But first a shout out to hafsaispretty  ! She has a great Gray x Reader story so go check it out!
"I'm starting to wonder if you really love me."

The world stopped spinning at Gray's words. Gray finally released you from his grip. He was right; you always pushed him-and everybody else-away. But why? Why did you do this? Maybe it was because you just weren't used to having friends, maybe because you felt like less of a burden this way. Or maybe you were just scared.

"Gray, I-of course I-I..." You wanted to apologize, to tell him that you did love him, that you were just being an idiot. Though no words managed to escape your mouth.

Gray stood with his hands shoved in his pockets. "Thought so," he muttered.

"Gray!" You called after him. "It's not like that and you know it!" He swiveled around to look at you.

"Really? Than what is it like?" He asked, clearly frustrated. You almost couldn't stand the piercing look in his eyes.

"I do love you, it's just...really confusing right now and," you struggled to find the words for what you were feeling. "I don't know what to do with...any of this. I guess I just need to figure things out for myself."

Gray rolled his eyes at this. "If you weren't ready for a relationship, you could've just said so." The certainty in his voice only confused you more.

"That's not what I -"

"Really?" He scoffed, "because 'I just need to figure things out' seems like a cliché breakup line to me." You could only stare at him for a second. "Maybe we should take a break."

"That's probably the most cliché breakup line in the history of ever," you chuckled weakly, hoping for a smirk or a sarcastic smile to break the tension. But Gray's only change of expression was a long, defeated sigh.

You gulped. "I-Is this really happening? Are we really ... breaking up?"

There was a long pause.

"You said it yourself - let's just focus on the job." With that, Gray turned his back to you and began to walk away.

"Gray, wait!" You immediately felt the sharp sting of ice magic as you reached out to grab his wrist. You both pulled your hands away quickly as pain shot up your right arm.

"Damn it, Ice Prick!"

"What the hell, Fire Brain!" Gray shouted at the same time.

Looking down at your hand, you saw frostbite had already formed where his magic ice covered your hand. You tried using your fire to heal it.

"What the hell did you do that for?!" You demanded.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, obviously upset. He winced and muttered something under his breath, but weren't paying much attention.

"Real mature, Frostbite!"

"You're the immature one! Why the hell would you do that?!" He yelled after ripping off his shirt.

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