Chapter 19 : Part II

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I feel like every gray x reader story has a chapter like this, and I originally thought I wasn't going to write one, but now I feel like it's necessary.

Again any feedback, questions, comments concerns are very much appreciated.

You'll notice I've split the story into parts, I think I'm going to do three total.

Don't worry, the others won't be as long as part one!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!


Gray's POV

(F/n) fell asleep with her head on my chest. As I looked down at her face I realized again just how beautiful she was. How had I not noticed it before?

She was amazing in every sense of the word. For one thing, it definitely amazed me how one person could be so annoying, stubborn, hot-headed, brilliant, terrifying, crazy, and cute all at the same time. What was more amazing was how she could make me feel. Before, everything seemed kind of dull. Of course things in Fairy Tail are never dull, but I never really felt anything deeply. But that was before (f/n) came back. Around her, I couldn't block out my emotions, because she made me feel more than I could block out. She made me feel anger, happiness, annoyance, confusion, confidence, and frustration all at once. (F/n) Dragneel: the only person to break down my barriers. She really is amazing.

"I love you," I whispered in her ear, even though I knew she couldn't hear me. I could've sworn I saw her smile when I said this, but she was asleep.

"I love you, too." I tried my best not to jump when I heard this. So she was awake. I couldn't help but laugh a little bit. This girl was driving me crazy.

I leaned my head on top of hers and closed my eyes. She was a lot of fun to mess with, but she was also the only person I wanted to be sincere around. I had surprised myself by opening up to her like I did today. Before I fell asleep, it occurred to me that I went the entire day without calling her names.


Your POV

When you entered the guild the next day, Gray was laughing at you (still) and you were yelling at him (still). As soon as you walked into the guild hall, Natsu ran up to you.

"Where have you-wait, why are you wet?" He asked. You and Gray were completely drenched, your clothes and hair dripping wet.

"This ice-brained idiot decided to push me in a lake," you said through clenched teeth.

"You were the one who pulled me in, fire brain!"

"Only because you pushed me in first, ice loser!"

"It was an accident, hot breath!"

"How the hell do you 'accidentally' shove someone into a lake?!"

"How is it possible for one person to be so damn annoying?!"

"Why do I even like you?" You shouted, but you were smirking because fighting with Gray was one thing that always got you fired up.

You weren't really sure exactly when it started, but at some point the entire guild had begun fighting. You and Gray were mainly fighting each other, but of course you had to fight off others who had joined in.

"It's about time you and I had a serious fight," you told Gray.

"No kidding," he shouted over the ruckus. A few people had actually stopped fighting to watch what was about to happen.

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