Chapter 13: Part I

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Special shoutout to BonitaEnde,  my first follower . Thank you so much for supporting me!

I love all of you for reading!

Please tell me what you think! 

If you like it, there's a little star at the bottom next to the word "vote" and. I wouldn't be to upset if someone were to click on that...

This hasn't really been edited yet, so I'm sorry about any mistakes.


"No," Gray says as you begin to choke on the rope around your neck,"you need her, you can't kill her." Chad laughs.

"How do you know?" He asks sinisterly," how do you know that I won't? Because I definitely can! But if you really want her-"

"Fire Dragon Wing attack!!" Natsu yells, slashing with wings of fire. You drop to the ground as the rope loosens around your neck.

"You would risk killing your comrade?! I heard Fairy Tail is famous for doing just the opposite!" Chad bellows, clearly upset his plan didn't work.

"The thing is, she's not my comrade," Natsu yells, gathering his strength," she's my sister, you bastard!"

You really felt sorry for the beating Chad was about to get. Natsu tends to be...just a little bit, er, protective.

"I'm not gonna let you take her," Natsu continues in rage,"And I sure as hell ain't gonna let you kill her! So it doesn't matter to me if you're bluffing or not, cuz either way, I'm putting you in the ground!" Natsu delivers punch after punch, leaving Chad on the ground. Then, he turns around to face Zaro.

"Let's go," you hear Gray whisper as he grabs your hand. With that the two of you run out, lead by Carla.


Gray's POV

(F/n) fell asleep on me during the train ride. If Natsu wasn't puking, he was sending me daggers, but Mira was absolutely giddy when she heard the news.

"I knew it!" She had exclaimed,"that's why I told the master that you two should learn to work together!" My jaw dropped when I heard that.

"That was your idea?!" I almost yelled, but I didn't want to wake (f/n).

"Well, aren't you glad I did?" I tried my best not to blush, but at that moment, (f/n) snuggled up to me in her sleep, making me blush more.

"Mind your own damn business!" Was all I could say. Everyone laughed, well, except Natsu. He ran to the back of the train covering his mouth. What a whimp.

(F/n) began to stir in her sleep, I thought she was waking up, but her eyes were firmly shut.

"No...y-you're," she muttered. Her voice was barely audible, but she was close enough for me to hear every word. She shifted and gripped my arm tightly. She must be having a nightmare, I thought. A tear slid onto her cheek. I gently brushed it away, my hand lingered on her face for a moment.

Her eyes fluttered open, drifting from my hand to my eyes. She quickly got off of me and averted her eyes. She still seemed to think she was dreaming. I put a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey," I tried to get her to look at me, but she couldn't hold my gaze. "It was just a bad dream," I told her gently. She looked up at me. Her eyes were wet from crying. I pressed my face to hers, but I didn't kiss her.

"You're okay," I whispered before pulling back. She met my eyes, but only briefly. I kissed her head gently.

"Better?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said awkwardly,"I better go check on Natsu." I let her go, wondering what she could've been dreaming about. Then it occurred to you that she was asleep when Natsu ran out, so she couldn't have known where he was. She just used his motion sickness as an excuse to leave. I wanted to go after her when I realized this, but she obviously wanted to be alone.

Lisanna and Lucy took a seat on the bench in front of me as Cana slid in beside me. The three of them seemed to have this dark aura around them and they all had the same evil look in their eyes.

"Um...why do I feel like I'm being cornered?" I asked nervously.

"Oh, silly! We just wanted to talk to you!" Lisanna says a little too sweetly.

"Where'd (f/n) go?" Lucy asked, innocently enough.

"Yeah, why'd she run off?" Cana was uncomfortably close.

", she w-went , I mean she,, um, bad dream," I stuttered awkwardly. What the heck was all this about?

The look Lucy was giving me was worse than Erza's.

"Well if you ask me, she looked pretty ...shaken up," Cana said,"you didn't try anything while she was asleep, did you?" At that question, all three of their stares intensified. Did they actually think that I would do something like that?

"Hey! What are you trying to say!" I shout. I stood up in anger. Oops, bad move, very bad move. The girls shot straight up, and even though I was taller than all three of them, they still seemed to loom over me menacingly.

"Where do you think you're going?" Lucy growled.

"We're not done talking to you, silly!" Lisanna still had on a creepily innocent grin. I never thought a sweet girl calling me silly could be so terrifying.

"We just wanna talk," Cana said, putting her arm around me. She sat down, forcing me to sit, too. There was only on thing that could possibly make this worse.

"What's going on over here?" Speak of the devil.

"Absolutely nothing, um...Erza? Why is your sword out?"  Erza has the same dark aura and evil look as the other three.

I miss Zaro's prison.


So what'd you think? I had a ton of fun writing that last scene.

Gray: yeah, fun, just the word I was looking for.

Author: *laughs evilly *

Cana: Hey! I found him!

Gray: &!?$

Author: Gray, language!  Hey! Stop running! You forgot your pants!

Elfman: Voting is manly!!!

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