Chapter 22: Part III

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I'm so sorry! I may or may not have sort of, kinda gotten grounded...
This chapter was really long, so I decided to split it into two parts. Speaking of 'parts'...
that's right, Part III! My baby has come so far! *tear*
Anyways, I'd like to thank you all for all the positive feedback I've been getting from you! Your comments make my day!
Thanks for reading! Enjoy!


Gray walked you to the guild from your house. It was only a couple blocks away, so it wasn't a long before you approached the massive gates. You had no idea what you would walk into. Surely, Gray couldn't be the only one who knew the truth about Fire and Ice. How would the others treat you if they knew?

You paused under the stone archway before entering. "Do the they know...about the, um...?"

He shook his head. "I don't think so. I'm pretty sure Mirajane knows, and I think Master  said he wanted to tell the rest of the team, but I'm not sure." He turned and went inside the guild hall.

The master told them? You weren't sure if this was good or bad. How would people feel if they knew you would be the cause of a war? But on the other hand, should you really be keeping that to yourself? You glanced up at top part of the arch that proudly displayed the guild's name. It was strange, you never thought you'd be so nervous just to enter this place you call home. You took a deep breath and entered the Fairy Tail guildhall.

You followed Gray to a large table occupied by Natsu, Lucy, Erza, and Happy. You slid into the booth taking a seat across from Gray and next to Erza. Natsu was on the same bench as Gray with Lucy in the middle to separate the rivals.

Erza cleared her throat. "We were about to go on a job, why don't you two come with us?" You didn't know what to say at first. Of course the answer was yes, but you weren't prepared to be treated normally. You assumed they'd swarm you with questions about Fire and Ice, but apparently they didn't know.

"Sure," you managed, realizing again that you were broke. (Thanks to Gray, you never finished the Vulcan job. While the villagers were willing to pay you for getting rid of the giant frog, you couldn't accept the money.)

"Then let's get moving!" Natsu sprang up with an unreasonable amount of energy.

The job was to collect a rare plant from the east forests. The client was offering a hearty reward You shrugged as you handed the request back to Erza. The five of you were taking a carriage to the forest, much to Natsu's dismay. His head rested on a blushing Lucy, which opened the gateway to much teasing from Happy.

"How pathetic," Gray muttered.

"It's not his fault, he's a Dragon Slayer!" Happy protested. Was he trying to say that Dragon Slayers were weak?

"What's that supposed to mean?!" You demanded.

"All full-fledged Dragon Slayers have motion sickness," the cat insisted.

"Are you trying to say I'm not a real Dragon Slayer?!"

"Aye- I mean no! You're just weird-"


"Well, now that you mention it, it is a bit strange that (f/n) doesn't have motion sickness," spoke Erza.

"Hmm," Lucy mused. "You're right! Now that I think about it, there's more that doesn't add up," you didn't have the slightest clue what she was talking about. What was so important about motion sickness? "You and Natsu are twins, right? You've always been twins?"

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