Chapter 18: The Return

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also none of the drawings/edits are mine, credit to their original owners

The flight home-home? Is it home now? I guess so, since I'm obviously never leaving. But whatever. Anyways, the flight home took forever. At some point I had fallen asleep, since Dan was shaking me to wake me up.

"(Y/n)? We're back. Da-I mean, Mr. Lester is finishing the deal with Grace, we're going to have to ship them the drugs." My eyes widened a bit, but I stood up and followed him off of the plane. I looked around and saw that we were in the middle of no where, no houses, no anything, except for a small car parked next to the plane.

"We've gotta head home, if the police haven't already found our base and shut it down. That isn't good for business, you know," PJ urged, and Chris nodded in agreement.

"Howell. Shotgun. I'll drive. Kendall and Liguori, in the back with (Y/n)." Phil said with a tone laced with... anger? I'm not exactly sure what it was, but either way, I nodded and got in the back with Chris and PJ. I sat as far away from PJ as I could, remembering what he had done to Chris and shuddering slightly.

The car ride felt like it was taking years longer than the plane ride, and it gave me time to think things over. During that time, I thought about several things.

Why does Phil call everyone by their last name instead of their first? He only calls me by my first name. It seems weird. Maybe that's a thing he does with people he's close with our something. Is it a guy thing?

How the fuck did Phil manage to get a year's supply of drugs? Is he always out dealing? Does he just have a stash somewhere? Even if he did have it stored somewhere, surely the police would've found it by now?

Is this my destiny? (how ironic can I get?) Was I meant to be kidnapped by my ex-boyfriend, forced to help commit crimes, help smuggle drugs, and many other illegal things? Is that how my life is going to play out? I don't want to end up in jail for things I didn't want to do or didn't actually do at all.

Has anyone figured out what happened? I mean, yeah, I'm sure that my best friend at least called the police after I didn't show up at Starbucks that fateful day. But, what about my parents? I don't even know if my family found out. I haven't been near a telly in so long, I haven't been on the Internet or anything to check the news.

How long ago did I get kidnapped? It has to have been months, right? I haven't ever asked, nor actually cared about the date or anything like that. It all seems like it went by in an instant, but I'm too tired to ask Dan anything at the moment.

And after that, I fell asleep.

I woke up in a place that felt somewhat familiar. Almost like the place Dan had first brought me when he first kidnapped me. I opened my eyes a bit more, since the room was dark. I tried to sit up but couldn't, since my hands were chained to something.

No, no, no! This can't be happening, not again! I thought, beginning to panic. I was tempted to scream out, but I saw a familiar face walking towards me. It looked like Dan, but it wasn't, he was shorter, had lighter hair, looked younger...

And that's when I realized.

"Adrian?! What the fuck!" I shouted, causing his expression to change from a smirk to a terrifying look, almost like he had seen something paranormal appear behind me. I heard a chuckle and then I saw Phil step out from behind Adrian.

"Your precious Danny isn't here. He's been very bad and I sent him...away...for now. He won't be back until later. For now, I have young Adrian here to keep you company," Phil said in a quiet voice. I saw Adrian gulp and he sat down in a chair nearby. Phil left the room and I looked at Adrian. He took out a phone, probably his, and looked back at me.

"Listen, (Y/n). I can get us both out of here, but that would mean getting my brother arrested. I don't want him in jail, no matter how many nasty things he's done in his life. I just don't want to be here, and neither do you. We can call the cops, but that would mean getting Dan arrested. Or, I can unlock you from the bed and help you escape this hellhole." He was talking fast, almost rushing. Adrian obviously wasn't comfortable in here, and I don't blame him.

"I want Dan to be okay. Let's just get out of here," I replied quietly, and Adrian stood up and walked over to me, unlocking the handcuffs that bound me to the bed. I stood up and followed him to the door, then ran ahead of him, going a few doors down to the exit. I tried opening the door before groaning internally, realizing it was locked.

"Dammit!" I whispered, kicking my foot against the door. Adrian moved me aside and took out a convenient key (ding) and unlocking the door. I moved my hand to the handle, but hesitated when I heard a familiar noise.

(wow I can't stop using the word familiar lmao continue reading)

Was that...a moan?

From Dan?!

"Adrian, PJ is in there with Dan! We have to get him out!" I whisper-shouted, attempting to open the door again. It was jammed, however, and I kicked the door again, but harder. This time, it finally opened, and I saw a sight that made me extremely uncomfortable.

The room was a reddish color, and in the center was a silk bed, covered in black sheets. The bed wasn't empty, it had two figures (one obviously being Dan) on it, and as I looked closer, I realized that the other was Phil.

Examining the room further, I saw many "toys" and other various things that were horrifying to my eyes. I've read about them, but seeing them in person was a bit...shocking.

I looked at Adrian with wide eyes, and whispered, "Give me your phone. I'm calling the police."

He nodded and dug through his pockets, handing me his phone after a moment. I dialed 999 and began the conversation.

"999 what's your emergency?"

"Hi. I've found some criminals that need to be arrested immediately."

"What is your location, ma'am?"

I looked at Adrian and he whispered, "We're in the basement of the bank of the corner of seventh and eighth." (idk man)

The operator on the line must've heard him and replied, "Okay. Who are the criminals you have found?"

"Dan Howell, Phil Lester, Chris Kendall, and PJ Liguori."

"Thank you ma'am. We're sending reinforcements right now, just stay somewhere safe. Okay?"

"Okay. Thank you."

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