Chapter 16: The Murdering

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Okay. Before I start this chapter I would like to say something.
Frank came out as bisexual today (12/21/15) and I watched his coming out video. If you haven't already, please watch it. I am so happy that my dad has finally broken free from the chains of being repressed; now he doesn't have to hold back his sexuality. Frank, you are the best, and if anyone is rude to you about your sexuality then please let me know because I will personally come over to wherever you are and punch the ignorant bitch in the face. Okay. That is all.
Wait, one more thing. The reason the chapter picture is Frank is because I'm proud of him.
Also, I ran out of punk edits.
Also, I would've linked to Frank's coming out video, but it's not there???
One more thing, Frank is not like this irl. I've talked to him on YouNow and he is a sweet little bean. Don't talk shit about Frank. Alright. I'm done now.
Okay, happy reading! Did that make sense? Oh well.

"This little scumbag turned against us!" Dan exclaimed, immediately becoming quiet when we made our way to an open door. I heard humming and then Dan made his way to the door. I got there first and stood in front of it.

"Wait!" I yelled, getting the attention of both whoever was in there, and Dan. I heard a gun click, and turned around to see Frank holding a gun up towards my head. Dan pointed his gun at Frank, and soon everyone swarmed in, guns pointed at Frank.

"Okay! How the fuck did they get out?!" Frank yelled, then saw Ingrid and Hannah. "You two?! Really?" I held my hands up, even though that wasn't going to do anything, and stared at Ingrid as she responded, "I don't want to do this anymore. I'm sick and tired of switching locations all the time, okay? I just want to be with Hannah, not with a bunch of crack addicts like you!"

Well shit.

Frank stepped closer to me, the gun still pointed at my head. I gulped and stepped back, but Frank continued to step forward. Soon I was up against the wall in the hallway, and I couldn't see anyone but Frank.

"An easy kill. Gr-" A gunshot. That's what cut him off. But it wasn't aimed at me. Frank fell to the floor and I saw Dan, panting slightly, his gun still held up to the level of where Frank's head was.

"Okay. One more."

Mark is the last one. Hannah mentioned something about two other girls that were trapped in the basement, but Dan said killing Mark was our main priority at the moment. Ingrid led us around this time, and we came upon a room that had a sign that read:

"Mark's Room. Enter at your own risk, bitches."

Hannah sighed and knocked on the door. "Mark? Mark! Lester, PJ, Chris, and the girl got away. We need help to get them back!" She shouted, and I heard several locks twist and turn before the door opened, revealing a slightly disheveled Mark. Chris sighed and shot him immediately.

"Okay. We're done. Now what were you saying about those girls?" PJ asked. Ingrid looked at Hannah, and Hannah said, "My sister Mamrie and our good friend Grace have been trapped in the basement for god knows how long. Ever since I started working for Mark, I've been trying to make a plan with Ingrid to get them out. Now that everyone else in this base is dead, there shouldn't bee too much of a problem. Except for one thing..." Hannah trailed off.

"And what would that be?" I asked, just wanting to go "home."

"There are two guards down there, by the main door to the basement. Names are Arin and Danny. Two most dumbass people I've ever met. They shouldn't be too hard to get past, but it depends on the mood that Arin's in. Danny will probably let us through, but Arin's a bit...feisty..." Ingrid explained. I nodded, and said, "Maybe you two should be the ones to go down there, since you are supposed to be working here. We're 'prisoners,' and they'll know that we are, so it's best if we stay up here until you get Mamrie and Grace." Chris nodded, and we made our way down the hallway, heading towards the basement door.

Just like Ingrid had said, there were two guards next to the basement door. Hannah quickly whispered, "The one with the curlier hair is Danny, and the other is Arin. I'll walk over to them to see what mood Arin is in, just have a nice conversation. Danny's probably asleep, so getting the keys shouldn't be a problem."
After Hannah finished, the two Americans walked over to Arin slowly. The rest of us stood around the corner and peeked out to listen to Ingrid and Arin's conversation.

"Hey Arin!" Ingrid said cheerfully, while Hannah made her way over to a (not surprisingly) asleep Danny. She was quiet when fumbling around near him, trying to locate the keys.
"Oh, hey, Ingrid!" Arin replied.

He's in a good mood. That's a start.

"So, I was walking around and I thought of you, and I just wanted to talk to you. We haven't had a good conversation in a while!" Ingrid was obviously trying to start a conversation so he'd be distracted from Danny.
"What did you want to talk about?" Arin asked. I looked over to Hannah and saw that she had gotten the keys. Ingrid noticed too and pulled her gun out, quickly shooting Arin in the head, and immediately shooting Danny as well.
"That was quick!" I exclaimed, running over to Hannah as she unlocked the basement door. We made our way downstairs, and soon we walked into the room where the girls should be in.

"Mamrie!" Hannah shouted, running over to her sister. Hannah immediately hugged her sister and Ingrid ran over, hugging Grace.
"Alright ladies. Enough chit-chat," Phil said sharply. Dan sighed and asked, "So. What about that jet?"
Grace looked at Dan. "Woah. Are you, like, the Dan Howell? I've heard so much about you!" Mamrie looked over at us too. "Oh my god! An-and Phil Lester, PJ Ligouri, and Chris Kendall! Who's the girl?" I rolled my eyes.
"I'm (y/f/n), nice to meet you, uh, I guess..." I mumbled, doing a little salute with my hand. Dan smiled and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer.
"Now that we all know each other, can we please just go home?!" Chris whined, causing PJ to laugh. We all made our way upstairs, and the group of girls led us outside.
"We keep our mini jet a few miles from here. We'll fly you to our place in London, as long as you give us something in return..." Ingrid said.
"Year's supply of marijuana?" Phil offered, and I raised an eyebrow at him. That's a shitload of drugs.
"Sure. We better get it soon," Hannah said probably not wanting to waste any time.

"Alright. Let's go."

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