red streaked hair (and green eyes)

Comincia dall'inizio

I shrugged, remembered he wasn't in the room and called, "Yeah, okay."

I heard the 'beep boop' as he dialed the number and ordered.

I sighed. Well, this was gonna be a fun, fun summer.

Heh. Fun.

Okay I'll stop now.


"I don't understand this."

Nate sighed impatiently. "Don't understand what?"

"Why I have to eat at the table. My room is-"

He groaned loudly. "I don't want food everywhere!"

"I would not get food everywhere," I snapped. "I am not a child."

He snorted. "Could've fooled me."

Oh no he did not!

I was about to reply snappily when the doorbell rang.

Nate glared at me before answering it. "Oh, hey Will-"

I stopped scanning the kitchen for bleach so I could poison Nate's food and leapt up, shoving past him.


Will grinned at me. "Rory!"

I threw my arms around him and he laughed. "How is it, staying with the Natser?"

I glowered. "Hell."

He laughed again as Nate muttered something like, "You're not the only one."

Will rolled his eyes and we sat on the couch. "So, is Nate treating you alright?"

I pouted. "He wouldn't let me eat in my room."

Will gasped. "No."


"That's horrible."

"I know. Hey, is any one else coming around?"

"Yeah, Nattie said he'd stop by."

I brightened. Yeah, okay, I might sort of, kind of, maybe had a crush on Nattie. Don't judge me.

Will shot me a knowing look and I sent him one that clearly said 'I have no idea what you're talking about so shut the fuck up.'

He gave me one that said, 'Yeah right Rory, I know that you know that I know so stop trying.'

I sent him one that said, 'Whatever, Willy. Just stfu and go eat croissants.'

We understand each other, as you can see.

Nate looked at us like we were crazy. But I didn't care, because the door was flung open and Nattie came in.

Him and Will did their complicated fist-bump high five thing and I hugged him.

"'Sup, Rory," he said, grinning. Ugh, he was too cute.

"Wattup, hazbro," I replied. "So why are you here?"

He shrugged. "To see you, of course." I blushed. "And for a movie night, just like old times," he continued.

I grinned. Back when I still lived in New York, we'd do movie nights almost every night. Just like old times, indeed.

Nate's POV

I waited for them to ask me to join them in their movie night.

They did not. I scowled. Nattie and Will were my friends, not hers. I didn't even understand how she became part of our group thing. It should be her father, since he was Andrew's friend, after all. But for some reason, everyone liked her more. Apparently, she was 'fun' and 'funny'. Whatever.

And maybe, sort of, down in the deepest part of myself, I was kind of hurt they didn't asked me to partake.

I pushed the thought from my mind and headed to my room. Maybe I could write a song. Or try, since lately no inspiration had come to me.

Almost two hours later I was staring at a mound of scribbled on paper and one single line: Well I woke up to the sound of silence.

Hey, I liked it. It had a nice ring to it, and maybe even by the end of the summer I could have a song! Maybe. Possibly.

With the intention of going to the kitchen, I shuffled down the hallway and paused when I heard the three of them chatting.

"Yo, you have something in your hair," Rory said. There was a ruffling sound.

"What was it?" Nattie asked.

"Rice, I think."

Will laughed. "Smooth, bro."

"Shut up."

I heard Rory laugh. I smiled to myself; she had a sort of nice laugh-

Ruess! What the fuck are you thinking?

I shook my head as she called out, "Yo Ruess! Stop lurking around the doorway and come out, creeper."

Will snickered and I flushed, storming into the kitchen. "What were you watching?"

"We started with Shrek," Rory explained. "And now we're on Shrek Two."

I rolled my eyes. "Mature." "

I know right!? I think I'm, like, oozing maturity. Will, can you see the essence of maturity coming off me?"

"Why, yes I can Rory. It's getting all over the couch."

"Oh, gross!" Nattie yelled. "I think it's on my clothes!"

They laughed and I rolled my eyes again. Jerks.

I leaned against the wall as the movie started. Okay, don't tell anyone, but I sort of liked the Shrek movies.

"Oh, look," Rory grinned. "Nate decided to join in our ever so mature movie fest."

I ignored her. "Just shut up and hit play." 


is this another chapter? In the same day?

Why yes it is.

I'm so sensing a long, epic tale here. Be prepared.

And vote. And comment. Lots and lots of comments. Full of rainbows and butterllies and donuts!


okay. good.

That Summer || Nate RuessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora