Chapter 39 - The Start of Something New

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"Four weeks and three days," she whispered as Jax knocked on the front door. "...And now that has to happen."

"I knew I'd fucking hate being their neighbors."

Opie complained but he did not acknowledge Jax any further. He made love to Mae on the kitchen table, quickly to their dismay, and then, still sweaty, he texted Jax.


Never even contemplating saying it aloud, Mae did find comfort in how quickly Opie finished. She knew he hadn't been fooling around which was a very real concern in a long distance relationship despite her faith in him.

"Gotta meet with the Irish brother." Jax replied with frustration.

"Right. Sorry. Doors open."

Jax arrived a few minutes later to find Mae, wearing her hoodie and yoga pants, wiping down the kitchen table but Opie was nowhere to be seen.

"Morning," Mae beamed. "He'll be right out, he's in the bathroom."

"How you doin?" Jax asked casually. "Here for the party?"

She stopped, surprised and confused, and slowly nodded just as Opie entered the room again. "Yes Jax," she shot a look at Opie before turning to face Jax. "I will be coming to the party tonight. Right, babe?"

Giving Jax a dark stare, Opie nodded. "Yep. We're going."

Realizing he had said too much, Jax grimaced and went for the door. "Galen is waiting," he said with his back toward them.

"We'll uhh, talk when I get back."

"Oh yes," Mae frowned, "We will."


For most of the errands, Amelia had tasked Sack with a load of the work while her and Juice tracked Gemma's every move. He had snuck around and placed a GPS on her car and used the security cameras he'd installed to watch her at the house.

"Is she being good?" Amelia asked as she swiped her debit card at the beer distributor. Their bar was stocked but no one expected that to ever be enough.

Juice nodded, using one arm to help Sack with the alcohol and the other to check his phone. "So far so good," he shrugged.

"Good," she smiled as Half-Sack pushed the cart away. "You know I don't think she could really hurt her. Do you?"

"I don't know," he answered. "Can't be too careful with Ally though."

Amelia looked at him with a glimmer of something special in her eyes. "Yeah, we can't. That was sweet, Juan Carlos." Kissing his cheek, her lips lingering longer than they should have, she grabbed the receipt and headed out toward the parking lot where Half-Sack had gone to load the car.

"Alright boys, we're almost done."

Amelia and Juice got into her truck while Sack followed behind on his bike on their way to the new clubhouse.


"You were really gonna miss that party just to keep me squirreled away?" Mae didn't bombard him as soon as he walked in but once he was changed and had settled she tore into him. "What's that all about?"

"I didn't feel like going." He shrugged. "I wanted to stay here with you, order Chinese, watch a movie, just get out of club mode and shit."

"Only Jax knows about me," she mused. "Do you not want to tell them anymore?"

"You coulda told Chibs when you were there after hat hobo tried to mug you." He countered. "Remember?"

"I didn't because I knew you'd be pissed!" She snapped stomping her bare foot on the floor.

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