Chapter 14: Endings Can Be Beginnings

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    Professor Ortiz was giving his lecture, and Jane couldn't concentrate. She kept running scenario after scenario in her head, of how she would talk to Xander. What would she say? "Hi Xander. It's been a while, can we talk?" No. "Hey Xander, let's talk." No. "Xander, we need to talk." No, definitely not. "Hey Xander, can we talk for a second?" Maybe.

    Before Jane knew it, class was over. Jane thought to herself, "This is it. Just do it. Just talk to him." Xander was just about to pass by her. With fear restricting every muscle in her body, she tried to open her mouth. When she finally got it open to talk to him, someone called her name.

    "Nic, do you have a moment?"

    Instantly, Jane's body felt disappointment wash all over her, she thought, "Damn." As she was walking over to the person that called her name, her mind kept running on - "What a perfect way to start up a conversation. 'Xander, do you have a moment?' Dang it!" Jane was so close to finally talking to Xander again.

    "Yes Professor Ortiz?"

    "I heard it was your birthday, Happy Belated Birthday."

    "Thank you."

    "I've noticed you and Alexander have not been sitting together or talking for several weeks now."

    "I'm also aware of that Professor."

    "You know your presentation is on Wednesday; and earlier this semester, you and Alexander requested to go first. I hope your grade doesn't suffer because of a small dispute."

    "It won't Professor, I promise."

    "If you say so. And one more thing. Just out of curiosity, is Alexander the one..."

    "'Is Alexander the one', what Professor?"

    "Never mind. You can go. I'll see you on Wednesday."

    "Goodbye Professor."

    Jane was even more nervous than she had ever been before. Not only did she not have the chance to talk to Xander about their presentation, but now their professor is suspecting that they were not able to do the project at all. Fear was overwhelming Jane, and she rushed out of the classroom as fast as she could. She was going to try and catch up with Xander, but she saw him walking in Maria's direction. A sharp pain struck her heart as she saw him walk closer and closer to Maria - Jane knew she lost her chance, so she decided to just wait and see what happens on Wednesday.

    Everything was a blur until the day of the presentation, Jane only remembered bits and pieces of the days before then. After school, Jane got to the café and Martin immediately went up to her.

    "Hey how was your day?"

    "It was okay. How's everything here?"

    "It's been good. Hey, can I ask you a favor?"


    "Can you stay late here tonight? I'm planning something special and I could really use your help."

    "Sure thing."

    Jane stayed with Martin all night, and she didn't get home until one o'clock in the morning. She was exhausted, and she had so many things on her mind. As soon as she got home, she pulled herself all the way up to her room and dropped herself onto her bed - and she slept until she had to go to work. After work she stayed out late again with Martin for his big surprise. Before she knew it, it was day of the presentation.

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