Chapter 11: Tangled Up

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Everyday Jane healed more and more. Martin was there to support her through everything. Along with Nat, who Jane now considered to be her best friend. And even though it was hard for her, Jane kept a strong relationship with Xander. She still loved him, but she didn't allow it to ruin their friendship. She decided to just wait for him, wait for the day that he would choose her - even if that day would never come, being by his side through everything; that was good enough for her. Jane and Xander talked everyday, and even hung out together on the weekends - a majority of the time Maria wasn't there.

Then one day, he just stopped. No more messages, he didn't sit next to her in class anymore, and he seemed to be avoiding her at school. A few days after, it was their term break, which would give them a week off school. Jane had constantly tried to reach out to Xander, but he never responded. She began to get really worried. The semester break went on, and Jane tried to give Xander his space and let him come to her - but he never did. So before the break ended, Jane went to Xander's house.

When Xander opened the door he was dressed extremely warm from head to toe. He was wearing sweatpants and a really thick sweater, and his body was shivering and sweating vigorously.

"Jane, what are you doing here?"

"I haven't heard from you, and I was worried that there was something wrong. Are you sick?"

"No, I'm fine. Thanks for checking up on me. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Wait Xander, you're clearly sick. Let me take care of you."

Without letting Xander protest, Jane goes into his house and begins to take care of him. She first starts by getting him some fresh clothes from his closet. Then goes into the bathroom to start up a shower for him. While he was showering, she began to cook him some soup. Just as she finishing up, Xander walks out of the bathroom wearing pants and a long-sleeve shirt - so that he'll be warm but not too much and his body won't overheat, and he won't faint.

"Hey do you feel a little better now? I made you some soup."

"I'm still kinda cold."

"That's what the soup is for."

"Thanks Jane, I can always count on you."

"It's no problem. I actually have something to do later, so I can't really stay. Is there someone else to take care of you? Where's your mom? Do you want me to call her for you?"

"No, she's on a business trip."

"Oh, what about Maria?"

"She's on vacation with her family."

"Oh, well I can try to stay and help you. I just got to..."


"Yeah Xander?"

"I can't hang out with you anymore."


"Maria... She asked me to stop being around you so much. She thinks that you're getting in the way of our relationship."


"So, I think the wall I built for our project is a decent size. So we can just stop now and present it how it is."

"Sure, that's ummm... That's fine."

"I'm really sorry Jane. I'm just trying to save my relationship."

"No, it's fine really. Ummm... I have to go anyway, so... Take care Xander."

Jane left before Xander could say anything else. This was the moment that she dreaded the most, the day that Xander would walk out of her life forever.

She cried all of way to the café. The tricycle man kept giving her weird looks, but she ignored him. Her heart was finally healing, and Xander broke it all over again. Jane started to believe that it was all just a game to him. That he would wait until the perfect moment to crush her all over again. Jane's insides felt like they were tied up into knots, she could barely breathe.

After what felt like hours, Jane finally reached the café. She tried to compose herself before she walked in. She entered the café and stood by the door way, and spotted Martin and Nat waiting for her. The smiles on their faces quickly faded away when they saw what state that she was in. Without hesitation, Martin quickly approached Jane and embraced her tightly. Jane finally felt like she was somewhere safe, in Martin's arms she felt like she was home. She continued to break down into tears, but Martin supported her with the strength of his embrace. He gently squeezed her tighter to assure her that she's safe now. Martin carefully kissed Jane's forehead and said, "Everything's going to be alright. You're here now, you're safe with me."

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