Chapter 9: The Longest Weekend Ever

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Jane didn't want to get out of bed all day. She just lied there thinking about everything that would be different. She wouldn't see him everyday. He won't pick her up or drop her off anymore. They won't hang out together, or get coffee together. Even if they would eventually hang out together, Maria would be there too.

Time seemed to move extremely slow, making it harder for Jane to get up. She would try to get up and do something, little by little - but, everywhere she looked she was reminded of him. She couldn't even enjoy her favorite book anymore.

All of Saturday felt like years. Toward the end of an extremely long day, she was slowly able to feel as if she didn't need him anymore. That she would be fine as his friend. That night, she was able to sleep and actually feel as if she got some rest.

Sunday came, and Jane felt as if this was the best morning she's had in ages. She slept well, enjoyed mass, and had a nice sit down breakfast with her grandparents. She forgot all about her misery, she was finally ready to move on from her depression. Jane knew that she would be able to get through this. That she would not waste anymore tears on Xander.

When Jane and her grandparents got back home from a nice Sunday morning together, Jane saw Xander sitting on his motorcycle in front of their house.

"Look Anak, it's your boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend Papa."

"Looks like he's been waiting for you. We'll go inside. Have fun."

    Jane didn't tell her grandparents what happened, she felt that they were going through too much already. She didn't want to bother them with her problems. After her grandparents went inside, Jane cautiously approached Xander.

"Xander, what are you doing here?"

"Did you want to go get some coffee?"

"What about Maria?"

"She's going to meet up with us later, come on. Let's go."

"Xander, I..."

"Come on Jane. We can still be how we used to be. Let's go."

    Reluctantly Jane went with Xander, she promised that she would stay his friend - so she was going to keep her promise, she isn't going to let whatever happened on Friday, affect what she has with Xander. But she already felt herself slowly slipping back, setting herself up for another heartbreak - and she didn't care, she missed being with him like this.

They arrived at their favorite coffee place, where they always had coffee and enjoyed each other's company. It felt just like old times. They were talking and having fun, but even though Jane looked happy she could feel herself dying inside all over again - because she knew that it would be nothing more than just this. Perhaps even less in the future when he grows closer to Maria. Suddenly, their conversation was interrupted with a voice.

"Hey Nic, it's good to see you."

"Hey Martin! How have you been, I haven't seen you around at all."

"Yeah, I've been gone for the past few weeks. Taking care of other family businesses. So are you excited for tomorrow?"

"Yes! I can't wait. See you tomorrow."

"I can't wait either. See you tomorrow. Enjoy your coffee."

    After Martin walked away, Xander turned to Jane.

"Who was that?"

"That was Martin."

"Who's Martin?"


"If he's nobody, then why are you smiling?"

"Why do you care? Jealous?"

"I'm not jealous. It's just, you've never mentioned him."

"You never mentioned Maria," she rebutted silently.


"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late."

"Maria! I'm glad you were able to get here."

"Yeah, sorry Alex. There was traffic. Hi Jane!"

"Hey Maria."

"You ladies talk for a little bit, I'll go get you a coffee."

"An espresso if they have it please Bae. So Jane, how are you?"

"I'm good thanks. How are..."

"Don't you just love Alex's accent?"


"Come on, doesn't it make him even more attractive?"

"Why do you care so much about what I think? And why do you make him speak English? Can't you just let him do what he wants?"

"Why did you force him to speak in Tagalog? Making him hide who he is."

"I never forced him, he chose it himself."

"Maybe he just feels more comfortable to be himself around me, more than he is with you Jane."

"Do you have a problem Maria?"

"Yes. I don't like you. I don't like how close you are to Alex. He's mine now, so you can't have him."

"What makes you think I want him?"

"I can see it in your eyes Plain Jane - I know you want to be together, but now that will never happen. I want you out of his life. Other than that stupid project of yours. Leave him to me."

"Listen Maria, you have think you've won, but obviously you haven't if your insecure about your relationship. I'm sorry you're jealous, but I won't get out of his life. Because I was here long before you got here, and I'll be here when you're gone. Enjoy your espresso, I hope it melts your heart."

With those final words and nasty glares from Maria, Jane apologized to Xander for having to leave so soon. Jane tried to be strong, but she broke with every step to the door. How could he choose Maria over her? Why does it have to hurt so much?

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