24: Down

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That night Kyungsoo had been sent off from the boys' apartment with calls of 'drive safe' 'come back to visit anytime' and 'tell Jongin we say hi' from Jimin, Namjoon, and Yoongi. And he'd waved and sent the three boys a bright smile as he climbed into his car.

He felt a lot better than he had about everything when he'd arrived. Jongin's friends' words really instilled some hope in him that what Jongin had done was just a drunken mistake, that he really did care about him.

And he'd also just simply had a lot of fun with the boys. Jimin and Yoongi's bickering turned to be quite entertaining for he and Namjoon as they chatted about anything and everything. They were arguing about nothing really, but somehow that argument lasted 30 minutes, and ended with Jimin just getting annoyed and falling asleep on Yoongi's lap. And then Yoongi joined Namjoon and Kyungsoo's conversation. They talked for a few hours, about how they'd met Jongin, what they liked to do, about they're favorite places to eat, everything. It felt as if in just a few hours Kyungsoo had made himself 3 new best friends. And yes, he even included Jimin who was asleep the entire time, snoring obnoxiously, because he really could see the fondness in Yoongi's eyes when he talked about him, which let Kyungsoo know he was probably just as lovely as the other two males.

They'd all exchanged numbers before he'd left, of course, them telling him he could call them whenever he needed them, even if it was just for a glass of water because Namjoon claimed, 'you're like a princess Kyungsoo, and we'll be the butlers that wait on you.' Which of course had made Kyungsoo blush a cherry red and just nod lightly.

He understood why Jongin liked to hang out with them.

Jongin was what was on Kyungsoo's mind as he drove back to his empty apartment. He wondered what he should do now. Should he go tell Jongin he accepted his apology and make everything right again? Should he give him some time first to think about what he did? He hadn't a single idea, but for now, he was just going to drive home and slip into his comfy pajamas and go to sleep, and maybe call Baekhyun or something. He hadn't talked to Baekhyun in a while. He hadn't really been to school in a while, actually, he'd skipped a whole week. He changed his mind at that moment, he decided he was going to go home and get caught up with schoolwork, and that he would be there on Monday morning, and that that was when he would talk to Jongin. And the night began..


It was late into Sunday night, 2:37 in the morning to be exact, and Kyungsoo had finally caught up with all of his assignments. He'd just finished the last of it all, an essay his English teacher had so conveniently decided to assign on the Monday he left school, and that just happened to be due on the Monday he was returning. So after bullshitting an entire essay about the book they'd been meant to read, using the help of his lovely friend Google, Kyungsoo was finally finished.

Before that he had had to do a few worksheets, read three chapters in his textbook, answer a few sets of questions, and write a report on a historical figure. All of those many assignments were what he was consumed with doing during the entirety of the time between Friday evening and Sunday evening, now. And he couldn't help but to wonder what Jongin was doing.

Was he at home? Was he upset? Was he out at the club? Was he going to school the past week? They were all questions Kyungsoo had no answers to. But he knew that Jongin was smart enough to figure out how to manage himself without Kyungsoo, and that whatever he was doing, he was fine.


Jongin most certainly was not fine, he was not fine at all, but he was okay with that. He currently had some girl, who's name he couldn't quite remember, at his side. His arm strung around her thin waist as he led her through the booming club. He was glad he looked more mature than his age, because this was the biggest loudest club he'd found in downtown Daegu, and somehow the bouncer had let him in without a second glance. The girl currently at his side was the first one who'd caught his eye when he walked in. About a foot shorter than him, thin, lightly tanned, and with these perfect curves that happened to look irresistible to him. Or at least, he told himself they looked irresistible to him, he wanted them to be irresistible to him.

So he led the girl out to the dance floor and he danced with her. And dancing basically meant grinding against her as she did the same, pulling her closer by her hips and capturing her lips in a lust filled kiss that she'd eagerly returned. It'd felt like so long since Jongin had been in this situation, it'd felt like ages since he'd caught himself kissing some random chick, grinding against her. It'd been so long since he'd been without Kyungsoo, and in an odd way, he felt free. It was not having to worry about anything, because nothing mattered anyways.

Of course he missed Kyungsoo, he wanted him back at his side, wanted him back in his arms. But he'd hurt Kyungsoo far too much. He didn't deserve Kyungsoo anymore. So he decided to give up on Soo, go back to the way he was before.

The ache in his head from the loud thumping bass was already giving him a headache, and the smell of the alcohol in the air already reeking up his nose. And the feeling of this girl in his arms was already boring him. But he was ready to do it all again tomorrow. And that was the beginning of the post-Kyungsoo Jong- no. Not Jongin. He wasn't Jongin. He was Kai, somewhere inside him, he'd always be Kai.


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