11: Unattainable

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Kyungsoo's POV

I woke up the next morning surrounded by a comfortable warmth. I felt myself in the embrace of a pair of muscular arms, peeking up a bit to see Kai's sleeping face. He looked adorable when he was sleeping, almost angelic.

I brought my hand up to trace his perfectly sculpted jawline with my fingertip, just enjoying the time.  A minute or so later, his eyes slowly blinked open to reveal his sleepy chocolate brown orbs, looking down to me, a smile forming on his lips.

"Good morning, love," Kai spoke in a slightly deeper than usual morning voice. You could still see his sleepiness in his eyes. I could feel a small blush rise on my cheeks.

"Good morning, Jongin," I spoke in a soft, delicate tone, a yawn escaping my lips.

"You know, I could get used to waking up like this," Kai said with a still slightly sleepy smile, causing me to emit a little giggle.

"As could I, you're so comfyyy~" I said, snuggling to his toned chest. I still couldn't get over how strong Kai was. He wasn't a big guy or anything, his muscles were just so prominent, so perfect..

I zoned out a bit, thinking of Kai's muscles. His hands played at my dark hair lightly, running through it and twirling it around his fingers. It was so comfy like this, so natural between us, I couldn't help but to love it, it just felt perfect.

I peeked up to Kai's face once more to see his smile had been replaced by a distraught look.

"What's wrong?" I said, tilting my head a bit. I was curious as to his sudden change in mood. I felt his hand slip from where it'd been wrapped at my waist, up to my side. His hand slipped underneath my t-shirt and he ran his fingertips over my bare skin. I didn't mind the feeling, it was quite nice actually. I didn't know what I was doing, til I felt a little pain as he brushed over a particular spot and flinched. That was when it clicked in my head what he was doing.

"What are all these bruises baby?" He said, a genuine look of worry and concern shown upon his tanned face. I highly doubted he'd buy my excuse, but it was worth a try.

"I-i fell down the stairs.." I stuttered, nervousness apparent in my tone. I didn't want to tell him about what'd been happening, none of it at all. I didn't want him to worry, he shouldn't have to worry about something so minor and unimportant.

"Baby these bruises are not from falling down the stairs, I can tell," He said, his hand rubbing up and down my side lightly. I wasn't giving up yet.

"Oh what I meant was, I was walking down the stairs, and someone accidentally pushed me to the side, and my side hit the railing," I said, trying to sound more convincing. Kai raised an eyebrow, as if considering if my excuse was valid. 

"I'll believe that for now," Kai said, an obvious suspicion in his voice, but soon all the suspicion had vanquished. "But if there's anything wrong Soo, anything at all, I want you to tell me. I wanna be there for you when I can be," He said in a soft comforting tone as I nuzzled to him.

"Okay Kai, if something's wrong I'll tell you," I said with a little nod. I knew my words were a lie, but I didn't want Kai to worry right now, if anything was drastically wrong I would tell him, but there wasn't anything drastically wrong, everything was fine, at least in his eyes.

"Alright love, now let's get something to eat. I'm hungry~" Kai said with a smile as he left  a peck ot my nose. Glad he'd let me off for now, I nodded,  a content smile forming on my lips as I wiggled my way out of Jongin's arms, stretched a bit, and skipped off to the kitchen, leaving Kai in the bed.

Having practically grown up by myself, one of the may things I had to do was teach myself to cook, and I'd honestly become quite good at it over the years. I knew dozens of recipes off the top of my head, and could pretty much make a meal out of anything, and a good one at that.

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