15: Tortured

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3rd POV

The night passed, with Kyungsoo and that man. Kyungsoo let him do whatever he wanted, and what he wanted was quite a lot. But Kyungsoo just obliged to all of it..
He found out that night that the man's name was Joonmyeon, or at least, that was the name he was told to moan. Kyungsoo didn't feel pleasure through all that night, though, not even for a second. He felt numbness through his whole body and mind the whole time.

But numbness was better than pain.. At least that's what Kyungsoo told himself.

Kai was tortured, absolutely tortured. To see his lover in bed with another man haunted him. To see Kyungsoo not protesting, not pushing him away, hurt him even more. But what hurt him the most was that Kyungsoo moaned the man's name, as if in pleasure. The fact that the man he loved was moaning another man's name in bed killed Kai emotionally.

Joonmyeon, as Kyungsoo had soon discovered, wasn't an altogether terrible person. After all their intimacy, he did express his genuine feelings to Kyungsoo. Even after Kyungsoo explained he didn't return those feelings, Joonmyeon said he was okay with it, that he would wait until Kyungsoo came to love him. Kyungsoo fell asleep in Joonmyeon's arms that night.

Kyungsoo dreamt about all that has just happened between him and Joonmyeon, but his mind put Kai in Joonmyeon's place. Kyungsoo loved his dream that night.

He woke up the next morning in a completely different room, a bedroom, alone on the bed in an unfamiliar bedroom. As he sat up in the bed, the door slowly opened, revealing Joonmyeon, carrying a tray of breakfast, wearing a smile, a smile that Kyungsoo's heart shaped lips didn't mirror.

"Morning sleepyhead," Joonmyeon said softly, as he carried the tray over to the bed, placing it on Kyungsoo's lap. "Eat up, we have to head to school in a little while," He said as be smiled softly down to the other. Kyungsoo just nodded his head slowly, with no particular look in his eyes.

He ate a little bit of the food, only to discover that Joonmyeon wasn't a bad cook
but he wasn't as good as Jongin. He only ate a little though, finding that he'd lost his appetite. Joonmyeon carried away the dishes before beginning to help Kyungsoo get ready.

He let the smaller wear one of his uniforms, like Kai's, it was too big on him, but it wasn't big on him in a cute way. It was big in a floppy, ugly sort of way. But nevertheless, Joonmyeon thought he looked adorable. After they were both ready, they left Joonmyeon's apartment, hand in hand.

Kyungsoo wasn't the one who exactly initiated the hand holding, but he wasn't pulling away from it either. It felt nice, imagining that it was Kai's hand felt nice.

They soon walked into the crowded school, only to receive the stares of hundreds of sets of eyes. Everyone at the school knew very well that Kyungsoo belonged to Kai, Kai made that very clear. So to see him walk in holding hands with some random guy was beyond strange.

The sight of Kyungsoo walking hand in hand with that man burned Kai's chocolate colored eyes..

"Kyungsoo!" He yelled through the crowds of students, and everyone froze.

Kyungsoo's POV

Kai was calling my name, what could he want to do with me?

"What?" I replied shortly in a cold tone.

"Cheat on me!" Kai yelled back and my eyebrows raised.

"Cheat on you? What are you talking about?" I retorted, Joonmyeon pulling me closer to his side.

"What do you even see in him? That's the same man who's beaten you for years!" Kai yelled loudly.

3rd POV
Kyungsoo was having an inner battle with his heart on what to reply to Kai's words.

"He treats me right.."

Not as right as Kai did..
I want Kai.

"He's sweet.."

Not as sweet as Kai was..
I want Kai.

"He's caring.."

Not as caring as Kai was..
I want Kai.

"He wouldn't cheat on me like you did."

Kai cheated on you..
Kai hurt you..
Run away Kyungsoo, run away..

His mind told him, and he turned away, running off as fast as he could, Joonmyeon in tow. He ran to a comfort room all the way across campus and locked the door behind him as he entered, not letting Joonmyeon follow him.

Kyungsoo curled up in a little ball against the wall and let his tears spill. He still loved Kai even though Kai apparently cheated on him, and he hated it.

'Why can't I just love Joonmyeon.. He seems nice enough...'
Kyungsoo asked himself mentally. But the thing was, Kyungsoo's heart didn't want enough, it wanted Kai..

Joonmyeon knocked at the door, pleading for Kyungsoo to let him in, which eventually, Kyungsoo did. Joonmyeon sat down on the floor and pulled Kyungsoo to his lap, letting the smaller boy cry into his chest. He whispered soft, comforting words to him, he whispered sweet nothings to his ear. But Joonmyeon's words just made Kyungsoo cry harder, because in his head, he imagined it was Kai saying those words to him.

After a long while of the two sitting there on the floor like that, Kyungsoo composed himself, and the two went off to class. Kyungsoo's eyes didn't let a pare look even wander in Kai's direction throughout all of his classes. If he had though, he would've seen Kai staring right at him.

Kai was confused. He hadn't cheated on Kyungsoo, he'd never even had the slightest thought to do so, so what was he talking about? He was clueless, completely clueless.

Lunch time eventually rolled around, and Kyungsoo ate his lunch with Joonmyeon. Joonmyeon had Kyungsoo sit in his lap, and insisted on feeding him. Kyungsoo just agreed, ignoring the slight sting that came with the feeling of Kai's eyes practically burning holes in the back of his head.

Lunch passed and so did the rest of the day, at the end of the day, Joonmyeon nearly convinced Kyungsoo to come back to his apartment with him, but Kyungsoo argued that he was homesick. With a quick peck to Joonmyeon's cheek he walked off to his apartment, collapsing on his bed once arrived with a loud sigh.

The entire school had witnessed Kai and Kyungsoo's argument earlier, it hadn't been a very quiet thing. They had all wondered what Kyungsoo was talking about when he'd said that Kai had cheated on him, they were curious. Joonmyeon, being the innerly horrible human being that he was, decided to end their curiosity. And with a few taps on his phone screen, they all knew of Kai's supposed cheating. Because with just a few taps, Joonmyeon sent the video of Kai and the girl kissing to the entire student body.

There was one small problem, though. The one recipient he'd forgotten to exclude, was Kai.

I'm updating this later too so.. Yeah. There's going to be a really lengthy author's note at the end of the next chapter, just so you know in advance.

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