20: An Eventful Night

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Gulp after gulp of drink after drink slid down Jongin's already burning throat. It was only natural, really, since it had been so long since his last night out drinking.

Vision blurred, judgment hazy, and all of his friends with matching mentalities, the guys drunkly swayed their way through the mass of dancers. It wasn't long before they fit right into the crowd, beginning to dance along with the rest of them.

Jongin and Jimin had always danced together when they used to come here, and they quickly fell right back into their old rythym, Jongin's hands moving to Jimin's hips, the pair's bodies moving against each other in drunken harmony.

Jongin and Jimin were always like this. They didn't have any feelings for each other, and they never ever had, but dancing like that just felt so natural to them, so they did it.

They're hips moved against each other's, hands roaming their bodies. God, were they enjoying themselves.

Namjoon had decided he wanted a piece or Jimin's boyfriend that night, making his way towards Suga, separating the other two guys from him before beginning to grind against him hungrily. Both the males released loud moans, moans that couldn't be heard over the loud music.

Time lost the boys, the time getting later and later, none of them caring enough to pay it any mind.

Jimin and Jongin separated from each other a few minutes while Jimin went to have another drink. Jongin found a little cutie to dance with a little for the time being, twirling her around a bit, hand at her lower waist when he stopped a moment to notice it wasn't a girl at all. It was a guy, a real cutie at that. He was petitie but still had perfect little curves, his hair a blondish color, it suited him well. The two continued to dance along with each other.

"Lee Taemin, and you are?" The shorter, cute male tiptoes up to whisper huskily against Jongin's ear.

"Kim Jongin, it's all my pleasure cutie," Jongin replied, voice two tones deeper than usual, probably because he was drunk.

"Mmh, Jongin, let's say we have some fun, hm?" Taemin asked, blue contact covered eyes sparkling a moment before he took Jongin by the wrist and pulled him through all the people, up a little set of stairs and to a room.

The second the door closed, the two males' lips were connected in a set of hungry and needy kisses, hands roaming each other lustfully.

It wasn't long before Jongin was lying Taemin back on the bed, his shirt half off before something in his head, some tiny little voice, something he assumed was what was left of his voice of reason, made one name echo loudly through his head.


As soon as he heard that name in his head, as soon as his brain decided to remind him of the person who he lover, who was awaiting him at home, a pang of guilt instantly left Kai's eyes wide with shock.

"Look Taemin, I've gotta go. But you're good looking, any guy down there would love to fuck you to the moon," Jongin muttered quickly, slipping his shirt back on before he rushed out of the room and out of the bar, passing Namjoon and Suga ravenously sucking each other's faces on the way out, but he ignored them entirely.

Kai had forgotten about Kyungsoo. In his drunken haze he forgot about the love of his life and nearly got into bed with someone else. He didn't even know what to think of himself.

Since he was still drunk out of his skull, Jongin decided to walk home. It may have been a short drive, but it certainly wasn't a short walk.


Kyungsoo was worried, entirely consumed with fear. It was 4:30 in the morning, Jongin should have gotten home already. He hadn't been able to sleep since 2, when he'd woken up ajd discovered Jongin wasn't back yet. He didn't know where his lover was, and it didn't help that he wasn't picking up his phone. He had no idea what could've happened. He was scared that maybe he'd gotten kidnapped or something. The mere thought of Jongin being hurt terrified Kyungsoo. But his fears suddenly washed away and a loud sigh of relief left his lips as he heard the front door's lock click open.

He lie on the bed, pretending to be asleep, not wanting Jongin to know that he'd been up all this time waiting for him.

Jongin walked shakily into the room to see Kyungsoo 'asleep' on the bed, his eyes welling with hot tears at the sight. He couldn't believe himself, he couldn't believe what he'd done- or almost done, really. He was so ashamed that he would ever do something like that to Kyungsoo, who deserved love and love only. But he wasn't going to wake his sleeping angel to tell him right now. He decided he'd tell him the next morning, that that would be best.

Stripping down to his boxers, Jongin slipped into bed beside Kyungsoo, looping his arms around him from behind.

"I'm so, so sorry baby.." He whispered softly into Kyungsoo's hair, a wet tear slipping down his cheek before he drifted off to sleep.

'Sorry for what?' Thoughts shook Kyungsoo's head. What could've happened that Jongin was sorry for? Did something bad happen? All the new worried swirled endlessly through Kyungsoo's head.

He didn't get any sleep that night.


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