*** ☆ Tatiana ☆ ***

Start from the beginning

She added he wouldn't even look at me, turned away as soon as I walked into a room. He had others look at me like I was a crazy bitch who before that were my friends.

Her father swore and said son of a bitch, that rotten piece of work. If I ever see him again, I'll shove my fist in his face and show him what a useless piece of crap he is.

Tatiana chuckled and said no dad, you'll do nothing of the kind, he's not worth you being put in jail over. Striking him in the face won't bother him as much as taking away everything he values, like his stupid precious car.

Her father grinned and asked is that so? She nodded and said you strike him and it will heal, but you destroy his prized possession, demolish it, cremate it so he couldn't put it back together will hurt him much, much more.

Her father laughed out loud and said why Tatiana, have you been thinking hard about this? She turned to face him again and said oh yes, every chance I could.

Her dad winked and said well then, let's you and I talk about what you've figured out honey. Maybe we can plan for a visit to this prized possession he owns without him knowing.

She burst into a smile, one that they hadn't seen for weeks that made her parents tear up seeing once again. She said I'd like that dad.

He almost fell to his knees if his brother hadn't shown up and said my god, look at that smile, boy has my niece grown up well. She's absolutely stunning, but needs to put on a little weight don't you think?

Tatiana turned to look at her uncle and frowned before saying I don't know you, do I? Her uncle gasped, pretended to grab his chest, stagger back and said oh honey, that hurts that you don't remember me.

Her father snorted and said maybe you terrorized her so she doesn't remember Logan. Her mother snorted and said Tatiana, this is your uncle Logan, you have met him but he must not have made an impression on you.

Tatiana smirked and said no worries mamma, I know who he is, just pulling his tail! Her father chuckled as her uncle burst into laughter and said you, little one are going to get it now.

She hugged him and said I even remember your wolf uncle Logan, like it was a dream. His name is Brick if I remember rightly. Her uncle laughed again and said that is what you used to call him, but his name is Bricker, you just like calling him Brick like a brick wall.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and said so honey, your dad and mom has been so worried about you. She teared up and sighed before saying I'm sorry dad, mamma. I was just overwhelmed by Jason's treatment of me after he shifted in front of me, then made it hard for me at school. She sighed again and said it's like he was a completely different person, one who hated me.

Her father growled and said well honey, we can talk about getting him back later, we are moving here, close to the pack again.

She smiled and said I like that, we can plan on my revenge later. Her uncle growled and said count me in, I want a piece of that action too.

Tatiana whispered, you know how to take apart a 1968 Trans am? He grinned and said no, but I have a few men that know how to hot wire it and transport it here.

She grinned and said that would work too, leaving no sign of it for him to track? Her father winked and said transport truck, move it across the country without being seen.

She grinned and said leave a junker in its place, one that's painted like it, now that would be a hoot to see his first sight of it.

Her father burst into laughter and said oh honey, you have a wicked mind, just like your mother. They all chuckled as they made their way around the side of the huge house, into the crowded back yard.

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