She kept her eyes focused in her plate but answered my question anyways. "I'm 16."

"That's cool. I'm 16 too." I informed her. She nodded her head and went back to slowly eating her dinner.

She finally looked up from her plate and I saw her eyeing the phone. To the plate and to the phone. Back and forth, back and forth. I raised an eyebrow at her strange behavior but didn't say anything.

The rest of dinner was full of awkward attempts of conversation, but always falling back into silence.

Afterwards it was Mariana and Jesus' turn to wash and dry the dishes. I headed up to my room, and as I was heading up, I saw Callie being led to the couch. I immediately cringed. Shoot. She's sleeping on the couch. I was going to try to sneak out to meet Talya tonight. Guess that's not gonna work.

After I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and changed into my pajamas, I headed downstairs to see if Callie had fallen asleep yet.

Damn. Not yet. She was still completely wide awake talking to someone on the phone. Wait...that's MY phone. I crept closer to where she was, trying not to get seen by her. I heard bits of her conversation.

"Baby, it's okay, I'm coming. I promise. Don't worry...

Nononoononono. It's fine,

Don't tell him. No. Don't tell anyone.

This isn't my phone. Don't call back, unless it's an emergency.

I'm coming to get you-


Don't worry.

Love you Jude."

My mind was completely baffled bythe conversation that just happened. Whaat? Was that her boyfriend or something? The thought of that made my stomach turn, even though I don't know why.

I stepped out of my hiding spot.

"What was that?" I questioned her suspiciously. She jumped up in surprise. She chose to play it innocent.

"Uh- what was what?" She retorted nervously.

I rolled my eyes. "Cut the shit Callie, you have my phone and I heard your phone call." She fell down onto the couch, and refused to meet my eyes. I walked across the living room and sat next to her on the couch.

I could see her tears slowly trickling down her face and dropping onto her jeans. "Hey. It's okay, do you wanna talk about it?" She cautiously lifted her head up, she wiped her tears from her eyes and took in a deep breath.

Then she told me her story :

"Jude is my little brother-"

"Thank god" I thought to myself.

"He was left at my last foster father's house when I had to go the Juvie. My foster father came home drunk one night, and we were trying to sneak out that night. We were almost out the door when he caught us. He pulled out a gun and he shot the ceiling and then I black out" She waited to get some kind reaction from me but I just nodded and continued to listen.

"My foster father called Child Protective Services and told him that I was the one who stole his gun and tried to shoot him but missed and shot the ceiling instead. Of course the police and CPS couldn't care less on what I had to say, not like they'd believe me anyway. So I was sent to Juvie, leaving Jude alone." At this point her voice was shaking, not with fear but with anger.

I felt terrible, I've always had a great life with a loving and supportive family. There's no way I would be here, without my family. They have helped me with so much. But Callie's still stronger than I would probably ever be.

She continued on. "I know you've been wondering why I'm beaten up, and it's because some other inmates heard I was getting released they got jealous and pissed off, so they beat me up." She said these words as if this was a daily occurrence, that she would be get beat up all the time. That really broke my heart. This shouldn't ever happen, how someone can just casually speak about getting beaten up, because they were used to it.

She finished up her story. "So after I was released from Juvie I arrived here. But I need to get Jude. I have to." I could hear the pleading in her voice.

"You can ask Stef or Lena to go with you to get him tomorrow." I suggested. She shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm tired. Night." Callie yawned and laid down on the couch.

"See you tomorrow, and think about it." I waved and trudged upstairs to my room, thinking hard about the conversation that had just happened.

As I lay in bed thinking, I couldn't help but think back Callie. She's different from anyone I have ever met. In good and bad ways. She's had a harder life than anyone I know, and that's saying a lot because my moms' are gay. She's really a nice person, but you just have to look past her bruises and her defenses.

I could feel myself drifting off to sleep, with the thought of Callie in my mind.


Well. Chapter 1 is done :)

pleaseee follow my new "The Fosters" fan page @wearethefosterkids

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BTW. did any of you guys see the episode 6 promo. WITH LIAM IN IT. omggggg. I freaked.

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