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Not Fully Edited

You've Dug Your Own Grave, Now Lie In It

Feeling like I sold my soul. Devil in the form of a whore.

Ridley's Pov-

I went through weeks of digging through every 'other side' on this plane. I pushed through light and dark, and I struggled to keep my own humanity. Being a witch was going to be difficult but I knew I would get through it.

Yet, in this situation, I didn't know what to do.

Truth is, Everyone wants to be a hero. Everyone thinks that when their moment comes, they'll know exactly what to do. You hope you'll have what it takes to save someone, But... Not everyone does.

And you'll never know until you're tested. Because when a friend is in trouble, you don't think.

You trust the instinct.

So that's what I did. I trusted my instinct.

...Sort of....

Derek carried me out of that horrible place. Scott's jacket wrapped around my tired and fragile body. 

We reached the burned down Hale house in the woods when Kate and Allison attacked.

Who would have thought a close friend of mine would lead to my ultimate demise?

I know what you're thinking. Oh, my god, is Allison going to kill her in this chapter? Well, no. It's not Allison who kills me at all, but it is a friend. Anyways, that's a story for another time. Just take in the fact that I don't die, yet.

Kate had convinced her of werewolves and that all were evil. If only she knew that wasn't true.

Derek stopped and steadily placed me on my feet. He had heard voices.

"Now we kill them," I hear none other than Kate Argent say as she walked out of the forest.

"What? I thought we were just going to capture them?" Allison freaked.

Kate scoffed," I lied." Then, she shot Derek

What the hell?!

Derek clutches his stomach but doesn't fall. He stands strong as the world tries to break him down. Though, he shows no fear but he hopes that he can defeat them. There comes a time when every life goes off course. In this desperate moment you must choose your direction. Will you fight to stay on the path while others tell you who you are? Or will you label yourself? Will you be honored by your choice? Or will you embrace your new path? Each morning you choose to move forward or to simply give up.

Derek doesn't give up so easily. Another reason why I love him.

I, on the other hand, fell down unable to hold up my own weight. I'm such a wimp.

Then a howl was heard.

The Alpha.

Kate didn't give up though. She shoots Scott in the shoulder. Then, she shoots Derek again. In the heart.

That's when he went down.

He wasn't moving. I reach and lean over him.

"Derek?" No answer. "Please don't die." Tears began to pool in my eyes. "I don't want to live without you. I love you. Please! This world is too big and its too dark and it's too much if you leave it!"

At this moment, there are 7,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are facing the truth. Some are evil, at war with good and some are good struggling with evil. 7 billion people in the world. 7 billion souls, and sometimes all you need is one. 

And I needed Derek Hale.

"Please!" I cried.

"I love you too," He whispers.

"Never scare me like that again!"

That's when I noticed the world around me again. The Alpha had killed Kate and he now lay on the ground wounded.

Derek noticed this and sat up. He stood and walked to the Alpha.

"NOOO!!" Scott shouted but I didn't know why.

Then, Derek pushes out his claws and slashes The Alpha's throat.

He looks up at me, eyes glowing red, and says," I'm the Alpha now."


Okay not my best work

Part of this chapter is inspired by One Tree Hill

Ugh i seriously need to do my homework but im updating instead rip 

See ya!

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