Chapter 25

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Song- 21 guns-green day
I suggest listening to the song while reading. I like to think it sounds good together.

Chapter 25


       My eyes fluttered open to a grey room and a muffled sound from outside this confinement. I tried to push myself up with my arms and barely did it with how weak I was now. I stood up and took the few shaky steps towards the door to get a better listen.

"Why. Why can't I do anything right! I couldn't even avoid that damn spell of potter's."

     I furrowed my eyebrows together wondering what he could possibly be going on about now. Wait is he crying?!

"Damn it!"

   I heard a tapping noise on my door. Wait no......that was me! NononononononoNo! It's to late now he heard! I frantically looked around.

    The door swung open. There stood a ghostly pale boy with puffy red eyes and tear stained cheeks, messy white blonde hair that seemed as if hands had been running a marathon through it and such a stressed facial expression. I silently gasped at the sight. Is this the same boy who was bullying me? Who locked me up in here? Who beat me up till I was barely alive then left me? It couldn't be......but it was.

     "What do you want." A look of disgust on his face. 

    I don't pity him but I didn't want this to happen either.

      Before I knew what was happening my small frame moved forward and embraced his larger one burying my face in his shoulder.

      I don't know why.

      He's been so mean to me.

     But seeing someone like I used to just broke me.

   I felt a weight land on my shoulder as well. I moved one of my hands to the back of his head and started to stroke his hair while my other hand rubbed unsure but soothing circles on his back.

  "*sniff* I didn't mean for i-it to h-happen. *sniff* she was j-just s-stupid and opened it. *sniff sniff* I was ch-chosen for this! I-I have to do this! Because if I don't..... He-he'll k-kill me."

    He ended in a whisper I could barely hear. My eyes widened. Killed?! Who said they would kill him. I know he's a prick and all but killing him!?

    What was he talking about anyway? Who was this she?

     "I-I don't know wh-what to do." His face pressed harder into my shoulder making it hard for me to stand considering how weak I am right now.

      My legs gave out and we both fell to the floor. His body on top of mine practically suffocating me seeing as how weak I am.

      His warm tears staining the shoulder of my sweatshirt. His hands in my hair that was now sprawled out over the floor. I couldn't move out from under his weight. I heard his soft cries turn to nothing but sniffles, then it ceased completely.

      My ears picked up on the sigh he gave off then felt his hands leave the back of my head to the floor beside my head. He pushed his chest off of mine and looked down at me our faces still close. I could make out a scratch on his jaw and I could see in those grey eyes of his sadness, regret, anger, and something hidden behind everything in the very back that I couldn't figure out.

      He shoved the rest of himself off of me and the sent of his cologne left my nose.

"Tch, sorry." He mumbled under his breath an almost inaudible apology.  My eyes widened in shock. The Draco Malfoy was apologizing to me of all people.

       He stalked out of the room closing the door behind him with an echoing slam leaving me with my thoughts alone in this vacant room still stuck in shock.

A.N. Mwhahahahaha finally a little moment for our couple in progress >:) what will they do now. Heehee I know what's going to happen. So tell me what are you guys doing for New Years. I am truly interested:3

Draco- why did you make me let go like that. I'm stronger then that~.~

Me- because I can and you aren't.

Draco- sure whatever

Me- oh don't give me that attitude *snaps in a Z formation

Draco- *raises eyebrow

Me- now you have to say the farewell

Draco- ugghhhh fine. -_- vote, comment, and share actually do whatever the fuck you feel like doing I don't give a shit.

Me- THATS IT!!! *chases Draco around room screaming profanity

Draco- 0.0 *running cursing under breath

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