The Final Form

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Niall Horan POV

After healing up Harry and Louis up, magic went around like clouds. The five of us shot up, as our puny, Crappy suits turned into scales, each with a different color. There was also a cloud in the stadium, where Anthony and the two Zayns were. Harry's orange suit turned into a bright purple. Louis' red suit turned into a bright blue. Mine turned from a blue to a dark green. Ian's turned from a pink to a dark, pale brown. And Liam's turned from a bright purple to a grey.
Yes, if your asking, we did get gloves.
My hair was down, with black highlights.
Harry's hair was down, again.
Ian's hair was up, instead of his crappy bowl cut.
Liam's was up.
And Louis' was down, but styles at the tips.
We were all equipped with our own cloud, as I raised my hands up, as I smiled.
"Prepare to meet your maker, Mr. Cowell!" I yelled, as many birds flew around me, and I smiled.
"Oh do you?" He yelled in his big trembling voice, as capes fell behind us, with attributes of different kinds.
Harry flew up, and zapped Simons big face, as he yelled, and with his big hand, swept us across three streets across.
"Niall, we can't to this! We need all of us in order to fight him!" Ian yelled, as Harry helped Louis up.
"We need Anthony and Zayn, and quick. I'll fly in, to see where they are at." I said, as Liam grabbed my hand.
"Do you know how to get out of sleeper hold with Zayn?" He asked, as he grasped my hand tightly.
"Yes, you taught me when you gave Louis the sleeper hold." I said, as I let go of his hand, and flew inside the stadium, and ran. I stopped where Anthony and the two Zayns were, as both of the Zayns had a red suit instead of yellow, and Anthony a yellow suit instead on black.
Zayn had his black hair back, and Anthony had longer emo hair.
"Get out of the way." I said, as Anthony backed up, as I grabbed Zayns waist, and squeezed them as hard as I could, as I yelled, "Wake up!"
Zayn woke up, as he coughed.
"What happened?" Zayn grabbed my neck, as I said, "Its Simon. Hes big, and scary, and all three of us need to get to him in order to defeat him."
"What about that Zayn?" Zayn pointed, as the good Zayn said,
"I can help."
"You're too weak, besides, Simon didn't teach you." Anthony said, as he got up, as Zayn hugged Zayn.
"Go, be free. Have a good life." The actual Zayn said, as the good Zayn nodded, as we followed him outside.
He flew up, as he went another direction.
Then he got smacked by Simon. And died.
"No!" Anthony yelled, as my mouth dropped and Zayn facepalms.
The four came to us, as they got down, all bruised.
"Hes too strong." Ian panted.
"Woah, what happened to your hair?" Anthony yelled, as we all looked at Ian's hair.
"Ask Niall later, we need to get him done!" Ian yelled, as he flew up, and circles around Simon, as he grabbed Ian, and threw him.

About two hours later, we were all at the same street, but with a big, dusty crater. All of our faces were bruised, and scratched up, and I was the only one that could heal. It was at the peak of dusk, as there was a crowd of people yelling, "You can do it!"
I got back up, as I used my hand magic to miraculously heal all of us.
"We can't do this! Hes too strong!" Ian panted, as I whispered,
"Maybe I have done this for a reason." I looked at my hands, as I raised them up, as a swarm of bees came, and I shot them, at Simon.
"Is that all you got?" He yelled, as a big footstep tumbled the ground.
"I got an idea!" I said, looking at my hand.
"Oh, what is it this time?" Louis yelled, as I yelled, "Everyone put out your hands!"
Everyone put out their hands, as all of us, with the combined energy, gave a light show, as Simon screamed, and all of us flying back up.
Everyone circled around Simon, as Zayn shot spiderweb all over his face. Each of us had a spirit in each of us.
"This is the advantage of not being tall!" Harry yelled, as he got a burst of yellow energetic balls, and shot them out like a cannon.
"And the advantage of having a good team!" Liam added, as he grabbed a metal pipe, and took out the atoms to make spikes, and shot them at Simon, making him lose focus.
"This is what you get for losing our fame!" Louis laughed, as he raised his hands up, as a big typhoon of wind and green orb of energy whistled upon Simon, making his fall over.
"The advantage of having a couple of best buds..." Anthony said, as he was next to Ian.
"Is loads of fun!" Ian added, as they grabbed their hands, and made a big cannon with their arms. They shot huge orbs of black energy, as it came repeatedly, as I smiled. Simon was slowly shrinking, as Zayn yelled,
"Although I am a memory, I can still have fun with my friends!" Zayn shot web all over Simons body, as he was stuck. All of us got down on his body, and walked up to him. Harry was holding Louis' hand, as Ian and Anthony were next to each other, and Liam behind me.
"I guess this is the end." I yelled, as he growled, as the strong web, was making him not move.
"It's never the end!" Simon yelled, as I closed my eyes a bit.
"This is what you get when you destroyed my friends, my life, and my ability." I said through my teeth, as I stuck a hand out to have a big pink orb of energy form in it. The six walked to me, as they also stuck their hand out.
"This is what you get..." I said.
"When you destroy our fame..." Liam added.
"Make me destroy my boyfriend." Louis growled.
"Made us a memory." Harry added, as he looked at Louis.
"Although I am a memory," Zayn scoffed.
"You can't separate us." Anthony yelled.
"Because we are the Fantastic Seven." Ian laughed, as all of us then yelled, as orbs of colorful energy castes on our hands,
"Star..... burst!" We all shot the energy, as Simon was muffled, as we couldn't hear a word he said. A burst of energy casted among us, as we finally did it. Simon shrunk back to his normal size, as we stopped. I then grabbed Simons hand, and Zayn wrapped it around in his strong web.
"You're gonna go away for a long time." I growled, as Louis was close to Harry, and he put an arm around him. I picked him up, as I smiled, as a cop grabbed him, and escorted him.
"Fantastic Seven? Really Ian?" I looked at Ian, as he shrugs.
"It was the only thing I thought of." He murmured, as Harry said,
"I like it."
"I like it too." Louis said, as he hugged Harry around, and Harry put an arm around him.
Liam then picked me up, and hugged me tightly.
"You did it, Niall!" Liam laughed, as I smiled, as I hugged him back.
"I'm still confused about Ian's hair." Anthony pointed at Ian, as I shrugged, and people crowded around us, cheering.
I smiled, as many Australian news reporters, put microphones around us.
"You saved the city of Sydney! What do you guys call yourselves?" A news reporter said, as Liam and I looked at each other.
"What do we call ourselves? We call ourselves the Fantastic Seven." Liam told him, as the girls squealed, and Ian and Anthony bro hugged each other. Zayn was the only one with no hug, as I looked at him. Zayn looked at me, as I ran to him and hugged him tightly. His eyes widened, as he hugged me firmly, as I laughed.
"I'm glad you came." I said, as Zayn looked around.
"I'm glad I came too." Zayn said, as I laughed.
I waved around, as a lot of people cheered and cheered, as the seven of us weren't just famous.
We're superhero famous.

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