Austrailian Breakdown

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Ian Hecox POV

As Liam was driving the police boat to Australia, I was paying attention to Harry take care of Louis, very gently.
Anthony was next to me, as he grabbed me a clean white shirt.
"How'd you find these?" I questioned Anthony.
"They had suitcases in here." He said.
"Hey, they aren't just any suitcases.." Niall looked at the shirt.
"It's our suitcases!" He added, as he took his shirt away from me.
"How did they manage to find those?" Harry said, as he was dabbing alcohol on Louis' bruised, red skin.
"Probably they knew it was us.." Niall said, as he stripped naked in front of us, and put on a fresh pair of boxers.
Anthony and I looked away, as Liam was still driving, Harry was coughing, and Louis looking at Harry.
I looked back, to see Niall have pants on, and threw on that white shirt.
"Anthony, here's a shirt." He gave Anthony a shirt, as he put it on. Niall gave me some cargo shorts.
"You might fit into these. I'll find a shirt."
"Thank you Niall." I said, as I pulled down my pants and put on the shorts. Perfect fit. "What do you want me to do with these pa-"
Niall took the pants and then threw them in the water.
"Oh." I murmured, as Louis officially stood up, and started to look for his suitcase. Niall handed me a black shirt, as I took off my shirt, and threw it in the water, as I put on the black shirt.
"Thanks, Niall." I said, as Niall nodded.
"I have shoes in there too, if you need some." Niall said, as he put on a pair of black boots. "Converse okay?" He asked me, as he gave me socks and red converse. I put them on, as Louis dragged a couple of suitcases toward Harry and him. Liam sighed, as Harry opened up a suitcase, and put on glasses.
"Man, you fold nicely." Anthony said, as he looked at Harry's suitcase.
"Thanks." Harry smiled, as he gave Louis a jacket to wear.
"You guys don't have winter wear?" I asked, as Louis put on the jacket.
"Just long sleeve shirts. I didn't expect this to happen, or I would've brought jackets. Luckily, Harry had one." Louis said, as I nodded.

"Anthony, hold still." I said, as I had a clamp in my hands, and Harry behind me, laughing. Niall took over driving, as all of us were cleanly dressed. Liam was smiling as well, as Louis was watching.
"Why do I need to hold still?" Anthony asked, as I said, "Yoink!" And poked him with the clamps around the head and chin.
"Oww!" Anthony yelled, as Liam and Harry were laughing, and Louis chuckling. "What the fuck, Ian?!" Anthony yelled, as he punched me on the shoulder.
"Worth it!" I said as I high fived Liam and Harry.
"That was classic, man." Louis added, as there was sputtering. We all looked at Niall who was driving, as he looked back at us.
"Out of gas." He said, as it sputtered to a stop.
"Shit!" Louis got up, as he set his arm on one of the whip marks, that was unfortunately still hurting. I put the big clamps down, as Louis looks at the gauge. "Hes right. We are out of gas."
"And we're so close!" Liam added, as I looked at him.
"How do you know that?" I said, as he pointed.
There was a big ass sign that said, "Welcome to Australia!"
"Oh." I murmured, as Harry went in the storage under.
"Luckily, they had a thing filled with gas." He showed us the Jerry can, as Niall cheered.
"Now where is the gas filler?" Liam looked around, as he said, "Found it!" He took the jerry can, as he opened it, and filled it up.
Two minutes later, he threw it lightly, and said, "Done!" As he closed the filler. Niall started it, as he yelled, "There's enough that we can go set on shore."

Anthony Padilla POV

About thirty minutes later, at the peak of dusk, we finally go to shore. We all got off, as Harry helped Louis get off the boat.
"Now, we have to find out where the band is here." Harry said, as he held on to Louis.
"Anybody have their phone on them?" Niall asked, as Liam groaned.
"They were all lost, or broken when we were in water." Liam muttered out, as I look in my pocket, and forgot.
"Oh, my phone is still working." I held up my phone, as my lock screen is visible.
"Luckily, when Ian and Harry weren't gonna do that daring sunglass take off, I planted a chip on one of the band mates of where they are at." I said, as I got my phone to get to the tracker app.
"So, where are they?" Harry asked.
"They are at..." I got to the chip 'Mystery Band' and opened it, to see that they were at Sydney, Australia.
"Sydney, not far from here." I said, as Harry looked at the trees.
"Let's go then." We all followed Harry, as he once again held Louis bridal style. He got to a stop, making Niall run into Ian and I.
"Sorry." Niall whispered, as I nodded.
"Oh my god, its crowded." Harry put Louis down, as Louis yawned a bit.
" 'Famous band tomorrow! Get your tickets now!' " Louis stated on the board, as some guy hammered "Sold out!"
"Well fuck. How are we going to figure this out now?" I said, as Louis yawned, "Get some sleep, that's what!"
"But we don't have money!" Niall yelled, as Harry scoffed.
"Who says that we have no money?" Harry laughed, as he poked a pedestrian.
"Yes?" She asked Harry.
"I am in desperate need for money." Harry frowned, as he ruffled his hair.
"My sister has cancer, and I don't have the money to pay for the rest of it." He looked down, as I cocked an eyebrow.
"Oh my god.... How much do you need, lad?" She got out her wallet.
"1000 is all I need." He crossed his arms, as tears rolled down.
Sure enough, she gave him 1000 Australian money.
She walked off, as Harry got back to us.
"Are you sure we don't have the money, Mr. Horan?" He showed him the money, as I stated, "Wow, you're good."
"I know." He smiled, as he looked around.
"Hotel is right there. We can get a couple of rooms, say about three?" Harry said, as Niall yelled, "I call Liam!" He hugged Liam, as Harry said, "Ian, Anthony, you can share a room."
"Thanks." Ian crossed his arms, then I whispered, "Pillow fights, remember?"
"Oh yeah!" Ian smiled, as we uncrossed his arms.
"Okay, then I get Louis." Harry said, as he rubbed Louis' head a bit.
"Anyways, we should go, its beginning to be night. I'll bang on your doors when we have to wake up." Harry added, as we ran across this street to the hotel.
"Still can't believe no one remembers us." Niall stated, as I said, "Because they think that you don't exist anymore."
"Oh, right." Niall whispered, as we came in the hotel rooms.
"Three hotel rooms please." Harry said, as he then added, "One night."
He gave him the money, as he gave him key numbers, with keys, luckily all next to each other.
"Good night." Harry said, as Louis and him got in the room, and Niall screamed, "Night!" And closed the door with Liam. Ian and I got in the room, as I fell on one bed, and Ian on the other.
"You still want that pillow fight?" I questioned Ian.
"No, I would love to sleep, bro." Ian closed his eyes, as I said,
"Good night, Ian." And smiled.
"Good night, Anthony." He said back, as we fell asleep, probably knowing who the mystery band is by tomorrow.

The Trip Home (Smosh/One Direction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz