"Dead inside" #8

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I blink, just darkness. What's happened to me? The Guys face from last night is still clear in my mind as I rub my head. Where was I? I feel my pockets my purse had gone. Cursing under my breath I strain my eyes around the dark empty space. Cold metal presses against the bare skin of my chest and I bite my lip, was I alone in here? Crashing noises come from above but still no noises from the darkness except my own breathing. Releasing my lip I fish my phone out of my bra hitting the green phone button expecting Anna to pick up. "Hello?" I whisper into the phone. "Ronni?" a voice says, the syllables beautifully detached. "Thomas!" I gasp and cover my mouth glancing around. "Are you okay?" I roll my eyes, "well as a matter of fact, no. I was hit on the head, kidnapped and now I have no idea where I am!" I here scrambling at the other end of the phone "what? Do you know where you are? Oh-my-God" German, he was German. Not that now was the best time to be realising such things. "No, I passed out" "where were you?" "35th street?" "kay, call the police, even if it's only for a second they will know exactly where you are. You'll be fine, Ronni" he hangs up and I press the digits into the phone: 999. More crashing comes from upstairs and I wince pressing the dial button. The dial tone rings for 49 seconds before I realise. A tear slips down my face as I change the last digit and ring again. Why can't I be home: home in London. The world spins too fast, I wish it had just stopped spinning when we were all a happy family: freeze time forever. The clocks sure clicking now though as I give the police a quick overview of what happened, they reassure me and say they'll be there as soon as possible. The crashing upstairs is too loud, someone's angry, someone's shouting. I tuck my phone back into my bra those yobs were way to dumb, of course I would survive. It's girl's voice shouting, higher than the rumbles of thunder attacking her. Suddenly they stop and I freeze as a light grows in the darkness, illuminating the room, I back up my eyes wide with fright as the push a limp body down the stair slamming the door. I don't think they even saw me, idiots. I inch towards the body, drawing out my phone and putting on a torch; Anna's face stares back at me.

"Anna!" I whisper, shaking her shoulders. "Can you hear me?" no reply. I push my hand against her chest, a dull thudding pulses at my fingertips. Exhaling I pick her up carrying her away from the base of the stairs and laying her head on my thigh. I gulp, I did this to her. Brushing her hair away from forehead I put my phone away and gaze into the darkness. What had I gotten myself into?

I jolt from my dreams and glance around, not like it's any use though: they're just met with the black. I hear a groan and feel around for Anna. "Anna?" I whisper, frowning at the noise that echoes around the room.

"Ronni." I let out a heavy breath and move towards the noise, "Ronni we're doomed aren't we? They stole my phone, and my money"

I find her and whisper in her ear "I've got my phone"

"What?" She whispers furiously "have you called the police." I hear her sigh and lean back, boards creaking against her weight.

"yeah I called them on try 3." I laugh and join her against the boards. "first I called this guy, then i called the English police, who, of course didn't pick up. Then I luckily remembered the US popo number..." I bite my lip, waiting for a laugh, unfortunately Anna feels in much the same way as me.

"Ronni. Are you okay?" she reaches for my hand, and I can almost imagine her pressing her lips together. I nod, even though she can't see it, its more a nod telling me I'm okay. She squeezes my hand, "anyway. What boy is this? IS HE ENGLISH? Can you set us up?" I laugh, she's trying to lighten the mood. "No he's German, and I. am. Not. Setting you up." I smile.

"Germans just as hot" she mutters.

A new crashing starts upstairs. "Looks like we're gonna get another visitor" I whisper. I turns out that no visitor comes.

"Sirens" Anna whispers, grabbing my hand.

"Sirens." I confirm when the heavenly high pitched squeal fills my ears. The crashing gets worse and Anna squeezes my hand tighter. Shout filter through the darkness and the crashing stops, we're either saved or dead. The shouting continues and replies appear in all directions. I hold my breath waiting for the light to appear at the top of the stairs.it never does. Eventually the shouts die out and I stare into the darkness. They left without us. Jumping up I pull out my phone and trip towards the stairs the dull light leading me up. Banging on the door I shout and hit it. Anna joins me and we thump it together shouting at the top of our lungs. A tear slips down my face as I pull back from the door sliding my back down it.

"Ronni?" a shout pierces the silence that Anna and I have crept into. I leap up hand on the door again, "Hello?!" a reply echoes back "Ronni!" "I'm in here!" I had no idea who the reply was from, but it was my only chance. Anna squeezes my hand and shouts with me. The voice try's the handle, "Its locked" it mutters.

"Duh" Anna mutters and I hear her leave the door and slide down the wall. I sit opposite her, our legs interlocked, holding each other up. "So who's this knight in shining armour?" Anna asks. I bite my lip, that voice, I knew who it was. When we got out Anna would know as well, but something wanted to keep it a secret for a little bit longer.

"Dunno" I shrug and bite my nails.

"Well he obviously knew you. Been making friends as well as enemies, Ronni?"

"How do people make enemies I such a short space of time, Anna?" I blurt tears welling in my eyes, "last night, one of those guys, the guys who took me. Well he... he..." Anna squeezes my legs with hers "I just don't understand how I do it. I have no friends, no family. My life is a tip, trash you would say. I'm an unwanted ball of rubbish weighing life down and making you get stuck in dark cellars with a knock to the head and no water." Tears stream down my face and I wipe them away hiccupping and sniffing continuously, "even my stupid saviour left us."

"I'm your friend, Isobel is too even if you couldn't tell. She has a heart; that's why she took pity on you. That knight came looking for you, only people who care do that Ronni. And you have family, your memories tell you that!" I closed my eyes, listening as she went on and on. Rocking backwards and tipping my head onto the cold stone is whisper "I don't want pity, I want London. I want Dad."

"Ronni?" the voice is back, the voice who cared enough to come looking: who promised he'd be at my side in a second. Anna replies with a half-hearted noise. "You have to move back from the door, I don't know how big it is in there, but get as far back as possible."

I hear Anna move, sliding her back up the wall. "Ronni?" she whispers tugging at my sleeve "Ronni please, we care about you."

I move to get up leaning on Anna, "it would be so easy though, just to be with him, Dad. Wouldn't it?"

I feel her nod "it would. But Ronni, remember Vanessa, remember Sam. Remember London."

She leads me down the stairs on and on until we hit the back wall of the cellar. "We're back." She calls, her voice dancing about the darkness. The voice confirms and an ear splitting crack rolls around the room, crushing the beautiful waltz of Anna's voice, light fills my eyes and I drop back against the wall my head in my hands and cry, sobbing so my whole body shakes with the effort.

I thought I'd be with dad, never to see the light again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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