Chapter Thirty-Five

Start from the beginning

Taitlyn was in hysterics. Tom and Charlotte ran in. Chloe and Max went towards them. They were angry at how Taitlyn was being treated.
"Right, you lot are coming with me," Max said. Tom and Charlotte followed Max to the other sitting room. Chloe went with them.

Aubree held Taitlyn tightly.
"Shh, it's okay baby," Aubree said. She rocked Taitlyn. Isla came over to them with Emily. They climbed on the sofa. Aubree cuddled them too.
"Don't cry Taity," Emily said. Taitlyn sniffed and wiped away her tears.

Max and Chloe glared at Tom and Charlotte.
"Why the hell did you lock her in?" Max asked.
"She's a disgrace! Getting pregnant!" Tom yelled. Chloe rolled her eyes.
"If I remember correctly, Charlotte got pregnant at a young age! I did too!"
Tom scoffed. "History repeating its self!" Tom said. Chloe was shocked.

Aubree and Taitlyn were talking. "Tell me about your mystery guy then," Taitlyn said.
"His name is Richard. He's 31 and amazing," Aubree told her. Taitlyn smiled.
"You two had sex yet?"
"No. I'm only fifteen aren't I? I don't want to rush things."
Taitlyn nodded. "He works at the school right?"

Aubree or Taitlyn had no idea that Chloe and Max were listening in. Max was fuming. "She's seeing him? I don't think so!"
"You just gave Tom a lecture!" Chloe spat. Max felt bad.
"I can't lose my baby girl," Max said. He started to cry. Chloe held him tightly.

Taitlyn looked at Aubree. "Aubs I'm going to go away. I don't want you to tell anyone that you know anything. It's for the best."
"How is it?"
"My parents hate me! My siblings aren't allowed near me and they've been hiding letters from Mike!"
Chloe and Max couldn't believe what Taitlyn was going to do.
Chloe looked at Max. "We can't let her go."
"She can stay with us," Max said. Chloe nodded and she kissed him.
"I'll go and talk to Charlotte."

Chloe walked downstairs. "Charly, can we talk?"
"About what?"
Chloe sighed. "Taitlyn wants to go away. She doesn't feel loved. Max and I were saying, she could come and stay with us. That way you know where she is," Chloe said. Tom walked in.
"If she wants to leave then she can but she's no daughter of mine," Tom spat.

Chloe didn't know what to do. She couldn't believe what Tom had said.
"Don't you dare come near us," Chloe said.

Charlotte felt her heart breaking.
"Chloe please," she said.
"No," Chloe said. She started to pack Taitlyn's things.
"Tom do something!" Charlotte said helplessly. The kids began to cry.
"No. Taitlyn is never coming back into this house."

"Tom please!"

Chloe got the kids out the house. She took them over the road to her house. Taitlyn was in tears. "Sweetie, you're gonna be in Aubree's room," Chloe said.
"Okay. Thank you for giving me somewhere to stay," Taitlyn mumbled. Chloe held her niece.
"I wouldn't want you anywhere else," Chloe said.

*A Few Weeks Later*

Taitlyn had the abortion and Chloe had gone with her. Chloe had become Taitlyn's guardian. She had refused to see Charlotte.

That morning, Chloe and Max were in bed being intimate. Chloe kissed Max as she heard crying. Max and Chloe got off each other and went to see.

Taitlyn was crying. Chloe and Max ran in.
"What's wrong sweetie?" Chloe asked.
"I want to go home. I want my mummy and daddy back," Taitlyn said. Chloe held Taitlyn. Max decided to go over and talk to Tom and Charlotte.

Tom and Charlotte hadn't slept together in ages. Charlotte wanted Taitlyn back. Even Tom did - although she was pregnant. They didn't know she had had an abortion. Neither had Mike.

Max rung the doorbell. Tom answered. "Is Taitlyn okay?" Tom asked.
"Its taken you five weeks to ask that question," Max said. Tom sighed.
"Max. Please."
"She's not. She wants her parents back."

Charlotte was sitting with Lillie. Lillie looked so much like Taitlyn. Max walked in. Charlotte hoped Taitlyn was with him. "Taitlyn wants us back," Tom said.
Tom nodded. Charlotte started crying.

Chloe was sitting with Aubree and Taitlyn. Scarlett came running in. "Mummy! I had sex!" She screamed.
"You what?"
Scarlett giggled. "I not really!"

Aubree looked at Chloe. "Mummy, how does it feel when you have sex for the first time?" She asked.
"It hurts at the start baby. But it feels nice. Why? Aubs don't have sex please," Chloe said.
"Why not?" Aubree asked.
"Because it ruins your life!" Taitlyn yelled and ran upstairs. Aubree felt bad.
"Will Taitlyn be okay?" Aubree asked Chloe.
"She will be sweetie," Chloe said.

Max sat with Charlotte and Tom. The kids were upstairs.
"Taitlyn had an abortion several weeks ago," Max said. Charlotte cried.
"It's our fault isn't it?" Tom asked. Max nodded. He couldn't lie to them.
"Can we go and see her please?" Charlotte asked. Max nodded. They got the kids ready.

Chloe was sitting with Taitlyn and Aubree again. Taitlyn was crying. Chloe still couldn't understand why Charlotte did this to her. "I want to have sex when I'm ready but I wanted to be prepared for it," Aubree admitted. Chloe sighed.
"Don't let anyone force you into sex," Chloe said. Aubree sighed and nodded.

Chloe went to feed Grace so Aubree and Taitlyn sat together. "Aubree, you've already had sex haven't you?" Taitlyn asked.
"Yeah. I just wanted to know my mum's opinion on it," Aubree said. Taitlyn hugged Aubree.

Chloe walked downstairs with Grace. Grace was seven months old and she was learning to crawl. Max walked in and Grace's eyes lit up. "Who's that baby?"
Grace smiled and started babbling. Chloe frowned when Charlotte walked in. She got angry when she saw Tom. "What the hell?"
Max lifted Grace. "Chloe they wanted to see Taitlyn."
"Well I'm standing with them," Chloe said. Tom stood back.
"I have to make a phone call. I'll be up to see her in a minute," Tom said.

Charlotte and Chloe went upstairs. They saw Taitlyn crying.
"Babes?" Charlotte said.
"Mummy, don't hurt me," Taitlyn said. Charlotte felt her heart breaking.
"I wouldn't," Charlotte said. Taitlyn cried harder. Aubree held her tightly.
Tom had called the Army office and explained to them about Taitlyn. They had said they would consider getting him sent back.

Max and Aubree were sitting with Grace. "Do me a favour Aubree. Don't ever get pregnant," Max said.
"Why not? Don't you wanna be a granddad?" Aubree asked.
"No, I'm not having my eldest child pregnant," Max said.
Aubree giggled. She knew how protective Max was of her.
"I love you daddy," Aubree said.
"Love you too baby."

Tom went upstairs. Taitlyn flinched away when she saw Tom. Charlotte tried to go near her but Taitlyn ran to Chloe. Chloe held her tightly.
"You haven't wanted me for almost two months why now?" Taitlyn yelled.
"We love you," Tom said.
"You don't!"
"We do sweetie."
"Then why lock me up? Why punish me for a mistake I did?"
"We're sorry!"
"I want to stay with Chloe," Taitlyn mumbled. Charlotte was breaking.
"Please Tails."

The doorbell rang so Taitlyn ran to answer it. She saw Mike standing there. "Where's my baby?"...

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