Chapter Twelve

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A/N ~ Sorry this took me a while. I've been preoccupied. Here's an update though



"Chloe, wasn't expecting you back just yet," Max said. Chloe had tears streaming down her face.

"You slept with Helen Hopewell? While I was ill?" Chloe asked. Max didn't know what to say...


"Chloe, listen it meant nothing. I was drunk," Max said. Chloe scoffed. Max tried to hold her but she pushed him away.

"Leave me alone Max! I'm staying with Charlotte and Tom tonight," Chloe said.

She stormed upstairs and got her stuff and the kids stuff packed. Charlotte went to get the spare rooms prepared. Max ran after Chloe.

"Chloe please. Don't leave," Max said. Chloe scoffed and looked at him.

"Don't leave?! DON'T LEAVE? You cheated Max! You hurt me so much," Chloe told him. Max sighed and tried to take her hand. "Don't touch me," Chloe said.

Chloe took the bags across to Tom and Charlotte's house. She rang the doorbell and Charlotte answered it with Baby Chloe in her arms.

"Everything okay?" Charlotte asked. Chloe pushed past Charlotte and Tom ran out to see what was happening.

"Tom, take baby Chloe. I'm gonna talk to Chloe," Charlotte said. Tom took his daughter from Charlotte and watched as she went outside.

Chloe was looking at her medication. She didn't need it anymore. She walked over to Charlotte's drain and tipped them out. Charlotte came out and saw her. "Chloe. No!" Charlotte yelled.

Charlotte grabbed the bottle off Chloe and Chloe screamed at her. She smacked Charlotte. Charlotte was shocked.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Tom yelled and ran out.

Max was trying to fix things at home. It wasn't working. Max broke down crying on the floor.

Chloe was shocked at what she had done. She grabbed her car keys and ran off out the house.

"Are you alright?" Tom asked Charlotte. Charlotte nodded.

"I'm fine. We need to get after her," Charlotte replied.

Rachel saw Chloe taking off in her car so she went over to Charlotte and Tom's to see Tom rushing out the house. "What's going on?" Rachel asked. Tom didn't speak. He got in his car and went after Chloe.

Rachel went in the house to see Charlotte struggling with the nine kids. "What happened?" Rachel asked. Charlotte sighed.

"Chloe tipped her medication away. I found out. She hit me, Tom yelled at her and she went off," Charlotte replied.

Rachel sighed and helped get the kids settled.

Tom found Chloe at the park. Tom sighed and went over to her. He sat beside her.

"Talk to me. What happened?" Tom asked.

"Max bloody Tyler!" Chloe said. She started crying. Tom held her tightly.

"What's he done now?" Tom asked. Chloe sighed.

"He slept with Helen Hopewell while I was in the Hospital," Chloe replied. Tom held Chloe as she cried.

"I'm sure it meant nothing," Tom said. Chloe shrugged and stood. She walked off.

Max was sitting in the living room. Chloe stormed in. Tom was behind her. "Where did you do it?" Chloe asked. Max frowned.

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