Chapter Thirty-Nine

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A/N ~ So, the ending chapter for this will be either 55 or 60. Not as many as the other books but I wanna make the last book a good one.

Let me know any ideas you have.

Chloe and Max had grown closer. She didn't want to wreck the relationship between them. Rachel had been coming around as she wanted to be in her granddaughter's life.

That morning, Chloe went into Grace and Scarlett's room and saw them both awake. Scarlett was sitting in Grace's cot. "You can't be in there sweetie. You're too big," Chloe said.
"No! Me and Gace are playing peek boo! She wants to play mummy!" Scarlett said. Chloe puck Scarlett up and watched as Grace fell asleep again.

Max walked into the nursery. He saw Chloe sitting on Scarlett's bed with Grace. "Why do babies die in the tummy?" Scarlett asked. Suddenly Scarlett went into a fit. Chloe screamed and Max called an ambulance. Chloe for Scarlett on the floor and rolled her on her side.

Charlotte woke up to the door banging. She ran downstairs and opened it. Aubree was standing there crying. An ambulance was over at Max's.
"My sister went into a fit," Aubree cried. Charlotte held her and she watched as Scarlett was wheeled out on a stretcher. Max dropped the kids off at her house.
"We'll ring you with the news," Max said. Charlotte thanked him and closed the door.

Charlotte held Aubree close. She was in hysterics. "She'll be fine."
Charlotte noded. "Yeah I promise."
Aubree sobbed.

Chloe paced the waiting room. Max tried to calm her down. "Why the hell would our two year old daughter go into a fit?!"
"I don't know babe. We'll get answers," Max said. Chloe sat down next to him. She broke down crying.
"I don't wanna lose her," Chloe sobbed.
Chloe and Max were called in by the doctor.
"I'm sorry to say that we've done a brain scan on Scarlett. She has brain cancer," the doctor said.

Charlotte was panicking. Tom held her.
"It will be fine," Tom said. Charlotte shrugged. Tom sighed and kissed her cheek. He was scared too but he had to stay strong for Charlotte.
Chloe couldn't handle the news. "You're lying. There's nothing wrong with her!" Chloe screamed.
"We're not lying Mrs Tyler. I promise."
"Prove it!"
Chloe and Max were showed the scans on Scarlett's brain. "We're sorry."

Max went outside to call Charlotte. Chloe went to see Scarlett.
Scarlett giggled and waved at Chloe.
"Mummy!" Scarlett said. Chloe held Scarlett close and cried hard.

Max told Charlotte the news and then went to see Chloe. Charlotte screamed and dropped the phone. Tom ran in. Charlotte was in hysterics.
"Talk to me baby," Tom said gently.
"Scarlett has cancer!" Charlotte screamed. She broke down crying. Tom started to cry too

They had no idea that Aubree was listening in. "Scarly has cancer?"
Tom looked up. He nodded at Aubree. "We're sorry."
Aubree ran out the house. She couldn't believe it.

Chloe was cuddled up with Scarlett. Max and the doctor were discussing treatment for Scarlett. "Mummy, am I going to die?" Scarlett asked.
"No sweetie. Mummy won't let you."
Scarlett giggled and held Chloe's hand. Max was in hysterics. Chloe had never seen him like that before.
"Max it's going to be okay," Chloe said. Max nodded. "What's the first stage of the treatment?"
"She needs to take medicine. We can't give her pills because of her age. It's the first stage of chemo," the doctor said.

Chloe gave Scarlett some of the medicine.
"It will make her feel sick and she might throw up," the doctor said. Max nodded. He took Charlotte and Scarlett home.
The minute Charlotte saw the cab, she ran over to the house. "I'm so sorry."
Chloe was crying. "She has to have chemo. She's so small. I can't lose her," Chloe cried.
"You won't. I promise."

Scarlett had gone tired because of the medicine. She started throwing up. "I sorry mummy."
"Its okay sweetie."
Chloe cleaned the sick up. Charlotte told Tom to bring the kids over.

Charlotte sat with Scarlett. "I have cancer Charlotte," she mumbled.
"You'll get better," Charlotte said.
"I need a donor," Scarlett said. "Mummy and daddy aren't able to."
Charlotte frowned. She knew she had to have testing done. She quickly text Tom telling him to make an appointment with the hospital.
Chloe had explained to the kids about Scarlett and how they had to be careful with her. She had to keep away from children who were ill as it could make her worse.

Aubree went to see her sister. "Hi Bee!"
"Hi cutie."
Aubree cuddled with her. "Do you wanna watch Cinderella?" Aubree asked.
"Yeah! Can I be Cinderelly?"
Scarlett sat with Aubree and watched Cinderella. Aubree held Scarlett close.

Charlotte went to the hospital with Tom. She walked in and knew it would hurt to get tested. She didn't care. It would be the best for Scarlett and that's all she cared about.
Tom held her hand. "It will be fine. I promise."
"I know."

Chloe noticed that Scarlett had fallen asleep. "Aubs, leave her to sleep babes. She's exhausted," Chloe said.
Aubree cried as she watched her little sister sleeping. "She's going to get worse isn't she mummy?" Isla asked.
"She is babes."
Charlotte came back. Chloe noticed how pale she looked.
"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Chloe asked.
"Yeah sorry," Charlotte said. They weren't going to tell Chloe in case Charlotte wasn't a match.

Charlotte climbed into bed with Scarlett and held her close.
"Charly's going to save you," Charlotte whispered before falling asleep.

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