Chapter Twenty-one

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"You know sometimes Max, you can be a real pig," Chloe mumbled. Max smirked over at her from behind the desk.
"Why's that?"
Chloe shrugged. "The amount of times you've kept me up just because you love sex," Chloe said. Max rolled his eyes but walked over to her.
"We both know you love it though. I don't hear complaints when you're begging me to go faster," Max whispered. Chloe groaned. He was turning her on.

Charlotte and Tom arrived at school. They were heading to the office. "Chloe's told me that Scarlett's being clingy," Charlotte said. Tom frowned.
Charlotte shrugged and cuddled into him. They went to the office and walked in.
Chloe pulled down her skirt and smiled at Charlotte. Tom knew Charlotte was being clingy and quiet. Every time he asked her why she wouldn't answer.
"Charlotte, I've left the box of marking in the car," Tom said. Charlotte nodded and went to get it.

Once Charlotte was gone Tom looked at Chloe.
"You need to talk to Charlotte for me. She's being quiet and clingy. She won't tell me why," Tom said. Chloe nodded and smiled.
"I'll talk to her. We're both free this morning," Chloe said. Tom thanked her and hugged her before going out to help Charlotte with the box
Max looked at Chloe. "You're helping everyone lately," Max commented. Chloe grinned over at him.
"That's me, Mrs Helper," Chloe joked. Max smirked at her.
"Go teach."

Chloe met with Charlotte in the staffroom. "Right talk to me," Chloe said. Charlotte frowned.
"What are you talking about?" Charlotte asked. Chloe rolled her eyes.
"How long have you known me? I don't give up on finding things out," Chloe said.

Aubree and Taitlyn were sitting outside. "My dad is a right jerk sometimes," Aubree mumbled. Taitlyn laughed.
"We should take Scarlett for a walk," Taitlyn suggested. Aubree grinned.
"Without telling."
Taitlyn and Aubree took Scarlett and Aubree carried her into town.

Chloe took Charlotte to the bathrooms when she started crying.
"What's wrong Charlotte? Talk to me," Chloe begged. Charlotte took off her top and her bra. Chloe gasped.
"I'm scared," Charlotte cried. Chloe held her.
"Its gonna be fine. I promise."

Tom and Max were in the office talking. Steph walked in. "Aubree and Taitlyn haven't turned up for lesson," Steph told them. Max groaned.

The girls were in town. "Bee, I want daddy and mummy," Scarlett cried. Aubree rolled her eyes.
"You're with me now."
"No want too."
Aubree tapped Scarlett's hand and she cried harder before she ran off.
Taitlyn ran after her and grabbed her.
"I'll take you back to mummy and daddy," Taitlyn said. Scarlett smiled and nodded.

Chloe knew she had to tell Tom. When Charlotte went to teach Chloe went to the staff room.
"Taitlyn and Aubree went into town with Scarlett," Max said. Chloe sighed in relief when she saw them walking back through the gates. Steph and Max went to meet them. Chloe had Tom alone.
"Tom I need to talk to you. It's about Charlotte," Chloe said.
Tom smiled. "You found out what's wrong?"
Chloe nodded and the two of them sat down.

"She found a lump."
Tom was shocked. "She hasn't had it checked yet?"
Chloe shook her head. "She's scared."

Max was fuming. "How dare you take her from the creche!" Max yelled. Aubree shrugged.
"Who cares?"
Scarlett looked at Max. "Aubee smack me daddy," Scarlett cried. Max looked angry.
Chloe ran down the stairs. "Max take Scarlett back to crèche Tom and I will deal with these two."
Max left and Chloe and Tom took the girls to an empty classroom.

The girls sat down.
"I thought we could take her for a walk around the school," Taitlyn said. Chloe looked at Aubree knowing she was behind it.
"Aubree what the hell were you thinking?" Chloe asked. Taitlyn could tell her Dad's thoughts were preoccupied.

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