Chapter Twenty-two

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"Chloe, you need to get yourself checked out. You've been in this pain for a few days now," Charlotte said. Chloe rolled her eyes.
"I'm fine. I'm just due on," Chloe told Charlotte. Charlotte sighed. She knew Chloe had been in pain for a few days. She also knew that Max was worrying about Chloe too.

Charlotte walked to the office. She needed to speak with Max about what to do with Chloe.

Chloe was in the staff room alone. She got a pain in her stomach and then her waters broke. She screamed. Tom ran in and helped Chloe to the floor. He rang Max.

Max and Charlotte were talking.
"Look Charlotte I can't make her go to the doctors if she refuses to go," Max said. Charlotte sighed. She was about to speak when Max's mobile rang.

"Tom, what's wrong?"
"Chloe's in labour?"
"She's pregnant?"
"Are you in the staffroom?"

Max stood and left. "Max?"
Max turned to Charlotte. "Chloe's in labour?" Charlotte asked.

Chloe hated the pain. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" Tom asked. Chloe rolled her eyes.
"Can't tell you something I didn't know!" Chloe yelled.
Tom felt sorry for Chloe. The head of the baby was out.
"Right give me two big pushes," Tom said. After Chloe pushed all she could, the baby came out.
"It's a boy?" Chloe asked. Tom smiled and nodded. He wrapped the baby up in his jacket and called an ambulance. Max and Charlotte ran in.

Max smiled at Chloe. They kissed and cuddled with the baby. Tom and Charlotte sat together near them. The paramedics came in.
"Right Chloe, let's get you to Hospital to check over the baby," the paramedic said. Chloe nodded.
"Chloe, I'll take the kids back in your car," Charlotte said. Chloe smiled and she left with Max and the baby.

Aubree was confused when she saw Charlotte standing by the car. "Where's my mum?" Aubree asked.
"She had a baby."
"Baby boy."

Max held his son and smiled. "No offence but I am not having anymore kids," Chloe mumbled.
"That's fine."
"Anyway, any names?"

Tom had been given Max's credit card to buy stuff for the baby. He bought stuff that he knew baby boy's had. He got back to Chloe and Max's and saw Scarlett sleeping next to Louise. Aubree and Taitlyn were doing homework. "Got everything they need."
Charlotte smiled. "They have a baby boy, I always thought Chloe would have girls," Charlotte said. Tom laughed just as Scarlett woke up crying.
"Where my mummy?" Scarlett asked.
"Your mummy is coming home soon. Should we make something for her?" Charlotte asked. Scarlett smiled and nodded. They went to the kitchen.

Chloe and Max got home with Jay. They saw the kids eating dinner with Tom and Charlotte.
"Hey you," Chloe said. Charlotte got up and ran over to her. Chloe let her hold Jay.
"Who's that mummy?" Emily asked. Chloe smiled.
"Your baby brother," Chloe told her. Emily smiled and kissed her brother's head.

*a few weeks later*

Chloe was exhausted. She had forgotten what it was like having a newborn. "I swear your kids are determined to keep me up," Chloe mumbled. Max smirked and went downstairs to Aubree.

Charlotte was going to see Chloe. She hadn't been seen in a few weeks and Charlotte was starting to panic.

Chloe went to get Jay up. She saw he wasn't breathing.
"Jay wake up!" Chloe yelled.
She grabbed Jay and ran downstairs. Max saw what was wrong. He rang an ambulance and got the kids to stay in the living room.

Charlotte went over and saw an ambulance coming over. She was shocked as she watched the paramedics running inside Chloe's house. She ran in and saw Max holding Chloe. "What's wrong?" Charlotte asked.
"He's not breathing," Chloe mumbled. Charlotte was shocked she sat with Chloe. Chloe stood. "I'll make drinks."
Chloe walked into the kitchen and she broke down. "Make him better, please," Chloe cried. Charlotte walked over to Chloe and held her.
"They're gonna help him Chloe. I promise," Charlotte said. Chloe cried into her.

Chloe watched as the paramedics tried to save Jay. All she could see was her son's lifeless body. "They're not going to save him are they?" Chloe mumbled to Charlotte who was standing there with her.
"They're gonna save him Chloe."
"No they're not."

Charlotte held Chloe back as she wanted to run in and hold her baby boy. "Please save him. I don't want to lose my baby boy," Chloe cried.
The paramedics got Jay to cry. Chloe breathed a sigh of relief.
"Jay has a problem with his lungs we think. We're going to take him in to get a scan on his back," the female said. Chloe nodded and carried Jay to the ambulance. Max went too.

Charlotte took the kids over to her house after locking the door. Tom opened the door and frowned.
"What's happened?" Tom asked.
"Jay stopped breathing."
Tom was shocked. "Is he alright?" Tom asked. Charlotte nodded.
"Yeah, they've taken him to Hospital."

Chloe and Max were sitting with Jay. "He's so small and helpless," Chloe mumbled. Max sighed.
"He'll be fine Chloe."
"Yeah right."

The doctor came out and talked to Chloe and Max.
"Look, Jay had fluid in his lungs. We drained the fluid. It was actually some of his urine from inside the womb. It can happen. It's only really taken affect now on him," the doctor said.
"Can I take him home?" Chloe asked.
The doctor smiled. "Of course you can. We're just doing one last check on him now - a doctor who specialises in maternity is double checking Jay."

Charlotte and Tom put the youngest to bed for a nap. The others were doing their homework.
"Charly, he'll be fine," Tom said. Charlotte paced the living room.
"I don't know Tom," she said.
"Look at who his parents are. He'll be fine," Tom said. Charlotte didn't know if she was convinced.

Aubree was worrying about her little brother. He was so small. Charlotte came in to check on her. "Are you okay?"
"No, I'm scared."
"Don't be. He'll be fine."
"I don't remember Emily, Isla or Scarlett being like that," Aubree said.

Just then the door opened. Chloe and Max walked in with Jay who was giggling. Charlotte and Aubree ran downstairs and smiled widely. Aubree burst out crying. Max held her.

Charlotte smiled at them all being together. Tom came out with Taitlyn.
"He's okay?" Tom asked. Chloe smiled slightly. She blamed herself for it.

"He's fine."
Max watched as Chloe walked out. Aubree tried to go after her but Max stopped her. "Daddy?"
"Leave her for now," Max said. Aubree sighed and she went back to Taitlyn.

Charlotte went to talk to Chloe. She went outside but she wasn't there. Frowning, she went to look for her until she saw someone stumbling up the road drunk - Chloe. Charlotte ran over to her. "What the hell are you playing at?" Charlotte asked. Chloe looked up.
"Tis my fault," Chloe slurred.
"He swallowed his pee in my womb - my fault," Chloe slurred. Charlotte sighed.

Rachel came out. Max had called her to tell her. She held Chloe and Chloe cried in her arms.
"I hate myself for doing this to him mummy," Chloe cried. Rachel calmed her down and took her into the house. Eddie and Charlotte sat with Chloe as she fell asleep.

Eddie looked over at Chloe who was sleeping. "She hates herself for this," Eddie said. Charlotte sighed.
"Jay is fine now. He just needs constant check ups," Charlotte told Eddie.
"We'll get her through this. We have to."

Tom and Max were sitting in the living room. Aubree was cuddling with Max. "She's a proper daddy's girl isn't she?" Tom asked. Max smirked.
"I remember when she clung to Chloe."
"Me too. Isla is the one who clings to Chloe now," Max said.

Tom laughed and Taitlyn came on and sat on his lap.
"Right girls, up to bed," Max said. The girls went up to bed and Tom and Max tucked them in. Both of them fell asleep on separate sofas in the living room.

Charlotte fell asleep beside Chloe. Eddie put a blanket over them before going upstairs to fall asleep with Rachel.

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