Unforeseen Circumstances

Start from the beginning

When his eyes finally landed on me, they narrowed, taking me in. I sat with my legs crossed, innocently twirling my wand between my fingers. "Morning," I said brightly. "About time you woke up!"

He grunted in reply, and my grin widened as he clutched his head, no doubt feeling the consequences of his hangover headache. Not that I wasn't feeling them as well, but I hadn't destroyed a shared common room that wasn't my property.

"Now," I said, even more cheerfully this time. My own voice was so jovial that my headache was coming back full force and it made me sick to my stomach, but I wasn't going down now. Not when I had some Malfoy torture to inflict.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do, young man," I said, jabbing my wand at him. He glared at me, then started looking confused. "I'm older than you," he muttered irritatedly. I started, unaware that he was older than me. How did he even know he was older than me? That would have to mean... "Draco Malfoy! You know my birthday, you sly ferret!"

"So?" He asked, obviously just wanting to go back to sleep.

"So, contrary to popular belief, you do, in fact, possess a heart!"

"Whatever Granger," he moaned, throwing himself backwards onto the only pillow that remained untouched, then pulling his tie bandana over his eyes.

"Ha. Oh no, Malfoy, you have no right to be annoyed. I can be annoyed, and do you know why?"
I didn't give him a chance to answer.

"Because you completely trashed our common room!"
It was a rhetorical question anyways.

He tugged his green tie blindfold up again, sitting up and actually surveying his surroundings for the first time since I had woken him up. After a few seconds, he looked back at me, seeming crestfallen. "Oh."

"That's right, oh. Oh oh oh oh oh! So, do you know what happens next in this story?" I asked him angrily.

"Well... I suppose you want me to clean all this up, right?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. I do."

"Fine," he muttered. He yawned, stretched, then rolled off the couch with a loud thud. "Ow."
He stood up and took a bow. "Graceful, aren't I, Granger?"

I snorted. "Yeah, as graceful as a drunken walrus. Oh, wait." I snapped.
He made a hurt expression, before shrugging and agreeing. I just shook my head.

"Where's your wand?" I questioned.
He gave himself a quick pat down before shrugging.

"I don't know, maybe it's in the couch." He stuck his hand in the crevices of the couch cushions, before finally coming up victorious.
He stood up, wand at the ready, before pausing, a shocked expression coming over his face as he hurriedly checked his watch.

"We're late!" He cried dramatically. "Oh, such a predicament, whatever shall we do?!" The joking light in his eyes reminded me that he couldn't care less about skipping a few classes.

"Relax, doofus, I already sent Flitwick and McGonagall a message to tell them we won't be coming in."

"We? You're going to help?" He asked incredulously.

I laughed. "No. I didn't make this mess, this is all on you. I just, might, maybe, possibly, have a bit of a hangover as well," I told him sheepishly.

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