I have no idea why I'm here.

I have no idea why everyone is so worried...

And honestly, I can't remember anything...

All I know is that my arms hurt, my legs hurt, my eyes hurt, my head hurts, and my feet feel like they are on fire. I want to cry, scream, demand everyone to tell me what's going on, but instead I look at my brother. I look at him as though I hadn't seen him in months... And I try my best to make him feel better.

I weakly smile at him.

Even though I know he doesn't buy it for a second, I can still tell he feels less scared as the corners of his mouth pull into a smirk.

"You look like shit, Iz." Typical Nick... Always stating the obvious.

"Wow, thanks asshole! Could say the same to you." I tersely reply. My voice sounds horrible, scratchy, like I smoked my whole life.

"Watch your language, I didn't raise you two to be so disrespectful!" This, of course came from my dad. But we ignored him and chuckled amongst ourselves, not a care in the world.

But, all good things come to an end, and the man who I assume is the head doctor politely shuffles in between my brother and I to try to get closer to me.

"I'm so glad your feeling well, and I know you haven't seen your family in weeks, if not months, however, I still need to run some tests before I can allow further visitation." He says, and I'm shocked. Months, what does he mean by that? I know something must have gone horribly wrong to end up in a hospital, but I don't remember a damn thing.

I think everyone in the room notices my shock, because they all suddenly look really worried.

"Months?" I ask...

And my brothers jaw dropped. I can tell he was about to ask me something, but the doctor pushes  everyone out of the room but a female nurse who looks at me solemnly.

So much for trying to release the damn tension.

"Isabelle, I know-"

"It's Iz." I cut him off. I have always hated my full name, and I had a feeling I would be here for a while so I wanted him to call me by the name I preferred.

"Right, yes, Iz... I know you must be in a state of shock, and I have to ask you questions, however I am going to leave and allow Mrs. Mariam to attend to you. I believe you would feel most comfortable in her presence." I nod and thank him, assuming she had to attend to some womanly things, and he exists the room.

Although I am glad she is female instead of the other guy, I am still mortified by some of the things she had to do.

I didn't know how far my wounds reached, but as she completely undressed me from the hospital gown to attend to my wrappings, I see scars, scabs, bruising, and gashes up and down my limbs. I have no underwear on, and I am horrified by how scrawny I look, when did I get so skinny?

She finished cleaning me, and allows me to slip the thin fabric over my body before changing some bags. One I am assuming is attached to a catheter, as I have no urge to use the restroom, and my cheeks redden in embarrassment.

She hadn't tried to talk to me the whole time, but noticing my sudden shyness, she attempts to comfort me.

"There's no need to be ashamed sweetheart. What you went through is horrendous and if you need me for anything at all, don't be too shy to ask." And suddenly all my apprehensions from my original take on her disappeared and I found myself crying on her shoulder.

I didn't know why I was so emotional, but seeing my body in such a horrible condition made me wonder exactly what I had been through.

"Can I see my brother?" I ask between sobs, and she nods.

"I'm sorry dear, you can see him soon, but first Doctor Kenneth needs to speak with you, ok?"

I nod, understanding she can't control what needs to be done, but I have one more favor to ask of her before she leaves because there are two people I cannot stand to allow see me like this.

Not for pity , not for power, not for money, and not for comfort. My mom and dad.

I may have forgotten a lot about my past few life altering events, however, I can't help but to feel a new found hatred toward my parents.

I don't know what fueled it, but I know it won't go away anytime soon.

"Mrs. Mariam?" I ask.

"Yes, dear..."

"After the doctor... I only want Nick. Please don't let anyone else in. At least not right away..."

She must of seen my desperation in my eyes, because at first she looked hesitant, but her facial features change as she looks at me, gives me a small smile, kisses me on the forehead, and exits the room.

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