Chapter 36 - Transformation

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Sara O'Duinn, Grimoire Entry, 14th November, 2008 - Relinquished from my mind, Sorin noticed a renewed strength in my essence. A slight defiance still existed. The color of my energy in the astral plane remained bright and unfaltering. Incensed his attempts to subdue me failed, he returned to my subconscious. A faint reserved presence manifested. It became stronger until it was fully recognized. The presence invaded his mind and drew awareness like a fresh slashing of Sorin's throat.

"She is a beautiful soul in more ways than you know, Sorin," said the voice of Lorelle.

The familiar sound behind him boiled the anger in his head.

"You return to me now... for what purpose? I have learned enough on my own terms. I have no need of," he replied.

"I have only a small measure of time to speak to you. It will serve you well to listen."

Through the mist of my unconscious state, she walked to him in my visage parting the fog speaking with the all too familiar voice of Lorelle. She had chosen an adversary as a vessel for speaking to him. It only reminded him of how evil he thought she was. He walked to Lorelle wanting to end her with every word she spoke, but he was still a rogue, her equal and couldn't.

"Do you know...My will has driven me to survive only to exact vengeance for what you did to me and Genevieve. Is it why you appear to me here in the astral plane where I cannot touch you? I suppose it is the only way for you to cowardice."

"Put aside your hatred of me Sorin. It should not be so difficult for you to understand...Now that you have done the same to another. You allowed Tasha to feed from you. Are you aware that she has completed the awakening?"

"Yes, I am aware. It was not my intention," he replied.

"You know very well it was your intention. In the beginning of your dalliance with this mundane, you thought her to be suitable for another century of life. She could be that for Psyon of an elder position. For you she is neither host nor sacrifice. You cannot read her fully and neither can I, therein lies the danger. One thing is certain you can no longer feed from each other. The Children of Psyon do not permit it. You risk her existence and yours if you persist."

"Why would something so enjoyable not be allowed?" he deviously questioned.

"She did not become your companion; once the awakening is complete she is to you, a sister," she replied. She shook her head and continued with a heavy sigh, "Sorin, they kept me from you before I could tell you...It is forbidden to feed from one you have made Psyon. She is now part of our lineage, our family in the Children of Psyon. The time has come for you to make a choice."

The jealous rise he intended instead delivered an answer which surprised Sorin when it pierced to the core of his heart. "I cannot, she is mine. I will not just give her to another...Is it enjoyable? Feeding from the enduring pain you cause? You are nothing but a deceiving wretch. Why should I believe you?"

"I gave you a chance at life where there was none. I vowed to do the same for Genevieve, but your captors took her before you or I could take her with us. I loved you then and I am bound to you as your maker. Believe what I tell you is the truth. They kept me from you and now you have made the same mistake," she replied.

"You would have me believe a fledgling I created could cause me harm? You know nothing of her...or the power within me," He said with the conviction of his belief.

"Think carefully Sorin. She surprised you when she fed from you. My time with you has come to an end, so I must leave you with this. If you cannot bear for her to feed from another, then you know what must be done. No one can make this choice for you. I am sorry, Sorin," she replied.

Turning to hiss more venom at her, he found my visage was drifting back into the mist. So Lorelle left him again. And again Sorin thought he was no better for her grace.


The balance of her fate and his weighed on Sorin. Once discovering the hidden fire of her wish to be free from humanity smoldering within her, he wanted Tasha as a companion from his depths. The same quality which attracted Sorin, blinded him to her gifts. She was Psyon, the hunger to feed intensifying. He would have to put aside how he longed for her. His instinct told him she was the one he should take for another century of life. For this, he would consume the light of her for himself. What part of him was it he wondered. The one whose heart splintered with wishing it was not so.

"Touching...You should know we will not have to wait much longer to take her ourselves," a voice to his head interrupted.

Sorin looked to each corner of Tasha's home which had been their haven. He suspected they had been following them for some time but had not made themselves known. They seemed to him nothing but cowards so he spoke to them as such. Sorin called out to the room.

"You make this challenge to me, yet you do not show yourselves?"

They appeared to Sorin in the urgency of their anger with his confrontation. The two were the first of Psyon brethren he had witnessed, when he saw them he remembered them from the club in New Haven and also knew they were there to settle an aforementioned score. They were there to check on his progress with Natasha since their last meeting.

"Allow me to introduce ourselves. I am William Brookingshire of the County Kildare and he is Charles Rothschild II duke of Wurtherford--"

"You know what is to be done brother, why do you not take her? We think it is because you cannot." Charles interrupted.

"You have not the status or backbone for her. Now leave me, I have matters more important than the fantasy of your wishes to attend to." Sorin bluffed.

"She is not one to be taken lightly. You must transform her then give her to us. She is not of our line and we think, would suit us well. We can feed from her...and she from us."

"Now I understand. So is this the reason for....your weakness, you feed from other Psyon?" Sorin questioned.

William moved to Sorin with a confident laugh.

"Give her to us, it seems we are more suitable to show her the ways, brother."

"I wonder...Yes...Now I am certain of it. She would find you as repulsive as I do." Sorin replied with a devious smile to them.

William's back bristled as he rushed to Sorin speaking inches from his face.

"You are ready for death then?"

Sorin pushed him away.

"I have ended many a human for another century of life. Why would she be any different?"

"It is not she who has changed." Charles said with a smile.

"Stop wasting my time with your cowardice...say what you mean!"

"The creator of your line was a woman. She not only created you, she passed to you her...empathy. This mundane is simply the first to bring it full circle for you. You will not end her life...because you cannot bring yourself to." William replied.

The anger in Sorin's blood boiled with his baseless observation. He walked to him speaking slowly as one would for a complete idiot.

"Even if I were not to take her, and make no mistake I shall...I think I should die rather than give her to you."

William smiled smugly beginning to disappear from Sorin's sight while he spoke his last to his mind.

"As her maker, for a brief moment she is what you will. Then you are to prepare her for what awaits, mark my"

Sorin could hardly control his laughter at his words. "What indeed."

Sorin knew then the light of Tasha shone as bright for him as it did for every other who would see and cause her harm. The wolves circled her. The time was at hand to put his decision into action.

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