the halls; one

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its me, christina and im back at it again with another book of mediocre quality! so without further ado, read on!


i woke up at 6:58, 

moments before the usual time i would have picked riley up. that is before she moved away in junior year.

a lot has changed since then, riley was the glue that held us all together and without her we kind of faded out. farkle fell in with the geeks and lucas fell in with the jocks, i hadn't seen zay and to be honest i don't know if he even goes to this school anymore. we see each others in the halls, nod and keep walking. well, farkle and i at least have the decency to do that because apparently being quarterback makes lucas too good for us.

i pull myself up with my elbows until i can spot ginger crawling through the hole in my wall. i kick my legs from under my blanket and over the side of my bed. after sitting there for a moment i muster the energy to go over and pick my ferret up gently.

"hey ging, another shitty day, huh?" i ask when i notice she's bleeding a bit behind her her. as expected, she obviously doesn't respond and i shake my head putting her back down. i rub my hands off on my pants and begin to get ready, im a night shower person. i like to think in the dark with the water hitting my back, im not much for light.

i exhale sharply and walk over to my desk, where i left my homework in messy stacks and my phone that i left charging.

i quickly open spotify and shuffle my playlist so i have some background noise as i pile my homework in my folder and then into my bag.

i make my way over to my closet and pull out the first thing that looks doable, i grab my navy blue high waisted jeans and and a black tight fitting crop top, i put on black ankle boots and my leather jacket, and then just let my hair fall back.

i walk back over to my desk and grab my makeup bag and walk over to the full length mirror locked into place on my door.

i apply my usual makeup that nobody in my family approves of because in the eyes of shawn im far to young to be wearing it, and my mom just doesn't want me to make the mistakes that she did.

when im done i grab my bag and hoist it over my shoulder and grab my phone, pausing the music, and walk out into the hall and finally into our living room to see shawn hovering over his laptop, transferring photos from his camera up onto his website.

he flicks his eyes up from his work to meet mine briefly before saying, "hey kiddo."

"im eighteen shawn." i say matter-of- factly.

"and?" he asks as if he doesn't know what that means.

"...and that means im not a kid, haven't been for five years technically." i say, catching the apple that he casually threw over his shoulder.

"you know you're smarter than what people would assume based on how you dress." he says, matching my smart ass tone of voice.

"who cares what people say, i do what i want until the day i die." i say sassily before taking a bite out of my apple.

"thats my girl." he says, proud of me as he gives me a fist bump as i walk over to sit beside him on one of our kitchen stools.

"anyways what are you getting my mom for her anniversary? better be good unless your looking to deal with my wrath." i say raising a brow and pointing at him jokingly as i drop my bag beside me.

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