Chapter 27

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Monday, hallway

Lindsay was walking in the hallway until someone grabbed her back.

Lindsay turned back, it was Teacher Angel.

Lindsay said: "Hi teacher Angel!"

"Hello Lindsay, quick, we need to do the plan."

"So, do the plan now, I mean later at lunch?"

"Okay, what plan?"

"The first plan, right?"

"Oh yeah. Okay, I'm first period today, so let's do it."

"Oh yea. Okay go inside now."

Lindsay went to the classroom and went to her seat.

The bell rang and next was Algebra class.

Algebra class

Teacher Angel opened the door and went in and said: "Good morning class!"

The class standed up and greeted: "Good morning teacher Angel."

"Guys, as I told you last Friday, we're going to have a test right? So I'll distribute the test papers and after that, you start answering. I'll just go upstairs to get something."

She continued: "Okay, pass your homeworks I told you before. Pass your Algebra books one by one, put it in my table."

Everybody passed their Algebra books to the front, the front row people stood up and went to Teacher Angel's table to put all of the books.

Teacher Angel said: "Okay so, anyone who would like to help me and volunteer to go with me and carry these heavy stacks of books?"

Most of everybody raised their hands, but Teacher Angel chose Lindsay.

"Okay Lindsay, help me carry these Algebra books upstairs into the faculty, I'll check it later."

"Yes teacher."

Lindsay carried the Algebra books as she follows Teacher Angel.

"Be careful, the books might fall."

"Okay Teacher."

Teacher Angel opened the door for Lindsay to go out with Teacher Angel.

Lindsay and Teacher Angel went outside of the classroom.

Rachel felt suspicious, she thought: "What evil plan are they plotting this time? I wonder, hmm.."

Hallway, outside the classroom

Teacher Angel whispered: Lindsay, put down the books here in the side."

Lindsay said: "Why? Aren't we going to put it in your faculty first?"

"Let's do it later, we're going to sneak in the business office and grab some documents."

"What? Business office? Why don't you get it at lunch time? They're leaving for lunch at that period."

Teacher Angel said: "That's because recess and lunch time is our period where we analyze the documents and plan our next plan for justice."

"Oh okay teacher Angel, let's go."

Teacher Angel and Lindsay quietly went to the business office.

Business office

Lindsay slowly opened the door, creak noises made. Lindsay looked inside left and right.

Lights were turned off, which explains nobody's in there. They didn't bother to open the lights, instead, they brought flashlights with them.

Teacher Angel said: "Shh be quiet at opening the door Lindsay."

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