Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: *Cora POV*

"Cora, you know it's been a year now since we ran away from the hunters in Canada." Jasper says and turns to me so I can hear him better.

We're currently sitting in a local bar we live near, one we've begun to frequent as they allow 18 year olds to drink and they have amazing food at a good price. I just got off my shift at said bar; I'm a waitress and Jasper had brought me a change of clothes so we can hang out in the bar without anyone thinking I'm a worker. We're sitting in our usually booth in back with a perfect view of the whole place where we'll see anyone approaching us the second they turn our way. Even though it's been a year, we're always on edge.

"Yea, and we haven't encountered a single hunter."

"I haven't smelled any either, ever."

"They have a smell that makes them hunters?"

"Yea, like murder. I haven't caught a whiff of it since we moved here, but your boss..."

"What about her?"

"She doesn't exactly smell human. She's definitely not a hunter but she smells different than other humans, woodsy almost."

As if she can hear us talking about her, I see Delilah aka my boss walking to us from the main bar; still in the bar's plain uniform with her long, dark, curly hair pulled up in a high pony tail. I point this out to Jasper and he freezes.

"She couldn't have heard us. Is there a door near here that only employees know of? Maybe she's going there?"

"There isn't a door that I know of..."

Before we can make any more guesses on where she's headed, she reaches our table. Of course with our luck, she sits down across from us in the booth.

"Took you long enough to figure out I'm not human."

"Wait...what? Delilah what do you mean?"

"Sweetie, I know your boyfriend here is a vampire. I'd be a horrible witch if my spell didn't let me see that much."

"You're a witch?" Jasper asks; I can hear in his voice that he's on edge.

"Yes, I am. Got a problem with that?" Her bright green eyes flash dangerously.

"No! I mean, no we don't. It's just that a witch cursed his family long ago and that's why he's a vampire; we've never met a witch before so the only thing we know is you don't want to piss one off."

"Well, you got that right. You don't want a witch as your enemy. What'd your ancestor do to get himself cursed, if you don't mind me asking? It must've been pretty bad, we don't usually curse people with the vampire one, haven't been in centuries."

"Broke her heart pretty bad, from what I understand."

"Hmph, well she isn't a good witch if that's all that ticked her off."

"So what makes you a good one?" I ask, curious.

"Well, first off I saved your asses from being confronted by a very angry and territorial alpha."

"Wait. Alpha? Like, werewolf alpha?"

"Yes a werewolf alpha. You trespassed on his territory with no warning and no decency to introduce yourself. He wanted to storm your house and demand an answer the second you arrived here, but I was able to calm him down and make him let me figure you two out first. You think you just happened to stumble on this job, don't you? This was set up to make it easier for me to keep an eye on you, find out what you know; which is apparently nothing. He understands now that you two don't know much about the supernatural world and wanted to wait until you made it known that I'm not human before we made our move. Now that you know, he'll want to properly meet you."

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