Matt Hawke

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Hi guys, its been a while since i uploaded last. I've had lots of dramas at school and heaps of projects due :( It sucks big time and i had viruses on my computer so i coudnt use it. Anyway, i hope you like chapter 3. Pls comment, vote and fan. Im always available to talk. Im on here like 24/7.


**Matt's P.O.V**

Boy was it good to see Dylan again. Its been ages. We've gone through everything together. Ups, down, gains and losses. He was there when my father died and i was there when his baby sister died from cot birth. It was a rough patch for both of us. He's my best friend.  After he moved, it wasnt the same. I got depressed and got into some partying and let my grades go down but one night something inside of me just snapped. it told me that if Dylan saw me like this that he would hate it. So, i cleaned up my act. I got tutoring on the subjects i needed help in and got a bunch a good friends.

Me and mum moved here around two years ago just for a change. We couldn't be in the town where we lost so many things. Dad, Dylan, Dylan's mum Katie and Dylan's little sister Tyneesha. A fresh start. Mum got a good job here and i made heaps of knew friends and am a B+ student. So when i saw Dylan, it was like Christmas all over again. when i saw him in the music room, i saw him looking at me like he knew me from somewhere but didn't know where. I knew he could sing, but i didn't know Ashley could sing that well. Shes only sang in assessments or at lunch time when she thinks nobodies around.

I hope Dylan sticks around for a while. I know he moves around allot. That's where i first met him. We automatically became friends cause people started teasing me about the music i liked. I like Bullet for my valentine, scrillex, A day to Remember and Parkway drive. Screamo, techno and all. Not many people were into that stuff. But Dylan stood up and said that he liked that stuff too. He showed me his phone and he had nearly all the same stuff on it that i liked too. We clicked straight away. From that day on we were inseparable for two years.

We tried to keep in contact but it was a bit hard to considering he didnt have a home phone cause they allways moved. Both of us got knew cell phones and got different numbers. I tried looking him up over facebook and skype but i coudnt. So i just thought that he ditched me. Thats when i got into partying. I dont plan on telling him any of this cause i dont want him to tell me how much of an idiot i've been. i know. You gotta look forward and not back.

I trust Dylan with all my heart. that sounds girlie, i know but still, its the truth.


Soooo, what did you think? Was it ok? I felt like i had to put this in about there friendship! I hope it doesn't sound to girlie cause like, its hard to write in a guys point of view when your a girl! So, any guys out there reading this please let me know if its too girlie! Pls comment, vote and fan or add my story to your library!! Much appreciated.

Love ya heaps, i'll try upload soon!! Also read my other story 'Come Dance with me, Mr player'

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