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(Danielle's POV)

As the doors opened up my grip on Peeta's hand tightened as we obediently followed Egeria, my gaze soon locking onto the tyrannical stare of President Snow.

I watched as his eyes wandered towards Egeria; a subtle reminder that her presence was not needed. Nodding that she understood, she motioned for Freya to follow.

I remained emotionless as Freya mouthed the words "I'm sorry..." before the doors closed forcefully behind them.

"Please, have a seat."

Prying my eyes from the doors, I remained standing as Peeta slowly sat down on one of the two chairs placed opposite President Snow.

"Now my dear, you don't need to make things difficult.......sit."

Compliantly I sat down, my gaze focussed solely on the white gold crown that sat perfectly in line with President Snow himself.


My gaze faulted as I lifted my head coming face to face with the vindictive grin of Snow.

"What..." Turning my head, Peeta sat motionless his eyes scanning over the crown and President Snow his brain piecing together what had been placed clearly in front of them. The silence was broken as realisation had set in.

"You can't possibly go ahead with this!" Peeta spoke desperately, his eyes now trained on Snow.

"I can and I will Mr Mellark."

The mood had switched and I found myself the main centre of attention.

"Am I, am I... missing something here? "I asked nervously. Peeta knowingly placed his hand on top of mine the gesture doing little to calm the feeling of dread that had begun to rise within my stomach.

"Miss Wilson, it is with great pride and honour that I am to announce that you are this year's victor of The 75th Annual Hunger games!"

My body stiffened as his words set in. Disbelief prominent on my features. Although, I knew clearly what this meant.

He's using me.

Using me as a weapon against the Rebels.

Against Finnick.

Peeta's grip on my hand increased as he glanced my way, silently awaiting my response. I opened my mouth to speak only to shut it promptly.

Snow watched as Peeta placed his remaining hand over mine, his voice dangerously low.

"So its settled then. The interview will be held tomorrow and televised across all twelve Districts."



"No. I refuse to be another piece in this sick game you're playing.... No." Shifting uncomfortably, I sat up straight knowing I'd made a mistake.

President Snow was not stupid. He knew I wouldn't agree to anything he proposed. That's when it clicked.

"Very well."

I watched cautiously as he pressed a button by his side; a large screen projecting itself in the space between myself, Peeta and President Snow.

Uneasiness had settled in my stomach. Something was wrong and Peeta knew this too. My hold on his hand tightened as Snow straightened his posture adjusting his suit as he spoke callously.

"Danielle its best if you remember that it's the things we love most that destroy us."

The screen began to flash violently before settling perfectly still. The screen showed a dimly lit room with a single chair placed in the centre.

Something isn't right here...the chairs empty...

Silencing my thoughts, the door to the room swung open a lone figure pushed to the floor. I watched in horror as two peacekeepers dragged the person to the chair; binding their hands forcefully to the chairs arms.

Pushing myself closer to the screen, I listened as the person spoke quietly.

"I didn't tell her."

I watched as Peeta sat up. He too pushed himself to the edge of his chair. It was too dark to see the persons face...although the voice was masculine.

".... Please...don't do this...I swear she doesn't know!"

Screams erupted from the man's throat, his body thrashing violently against the restraints. Prying my eyes from the screen, my gaze was met with Snow's his eyebrows raised in mocking.

"Why are you doing this?!!" I shouted, my body tense as the man continued to scream in pain. Snow sat still his eyes trained on mine.

"You'll kill him!" I shouted once again tears falling from my cheeks. Despite my desperate pleas, each sentence fell on deaf ears.

"Oh...my dear, it is not me who is killing them."


Looking up from my hands, my eyes once again rested on the screen before me. The man had stopped screaming.

A gun held to his head.

My eyes widened as I frantically looked between the screen and President Snow. Peeta had once again gripped my hand, although I couldn't tell when.

"Now Miss Wilson...you have a choice. You can either go along with our little game or have your execution broadcast on live television...

The choice is yours..."

I don't know what noise came first my scream or the gunshot... but all I know for sure is that the man sat on that chair was dead.

The whole of Panem witness to it.

Peeta's hold on my hand tightened as my body fell back against the chair, my eyes still staring at the space where the screen had been. A steady flow of tears left my eyes silently as I repeated the same word over and over.


President Snow sat back in his chair a look of malice and spite outlining his features. Peeta sat straight, his hand never leaving mine as he spoke strongly.

"How can you sit there and be pleased with yourself."

"Mr Mellark you must understand that I will not stop until these uprisings have been put to rest." He answered sitting straight; his hands on either side of his chair.

"I'm sick of the blood, and from what I've heard seen its more on the hands of the Peacekeepers." Peeta argued.

"The sooner these uprisings are put to rest; the sooner you'll see your home again."


It's strange how foreign that word now sounds. It feels like years since I had last seen my District and something tells me it will be a few more before I'll see it again.

I looked at Peeta, a sense of confusion crossing his features. Although it was gone as fast as it appeared as he spoke again.

"So you're asking me to be what, sir, your voice of reason?" He spoke sarcastically. President Snows face remained cold- a shadow of a smile gracing his lips before he answered.

"You've both understood everything but one small detail. I'm not asking."

My expression remained blank as single tear escaped my eye. Peeta stood up, slowly taking a hold of my other hand as he pulled my body closer to his. Two peacekeepers soon forced us forward as we made our way out of the room. Peeta's hold never loosened as my body fell against his, a look of reassurance evident in his eyes. Smiling softly, I squeezed his hand in thanks.

At least I'm not alone.

As the door opened to let us out, I turned to watch as Snow sat comfortably; the same vindictive smile plastered on his face. However, that soon faltered as the words left my lips.

"Hope will never be silent."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2016 ⏰

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