Chapter 14

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"...Soda said he saw you kissing a girl at that club a few days ago, and it definitely wasn't Leesha. Does she know about this?" Darry asked me just moments ago. My heart dropped into my stomach, and I felt nauseous all of a sudden.

"That... that was an ex-girlfriend of mine. Ella. Leesh-" I start, my voice quiet, so no one else hears me, but Leesha interrupts me.

"Ana, why're you talking about that bitch?" She asks. I'm speechless for a moment, zoning out, trying to figure out what to say, until Darry taps me, and I realize that I need to respond now.

"Oh god, this is complicated," I say, loudly. Everyone looks over, wondering what's going on...

"Can we change the subject?" I ask. Darry and Leesha both shake their heads, and I sigh. It's not like I was the one that kissed her, but I still feel guilty. Especially since it was our first night out together as a couple.

"Fine..." I said, trying to figure out how I was going to explain what happened to both of them. Leesha won't care, if I'm lucky, because she knows how nuts Ella is, but Darry won't want me setting foot back on campus if she's there.

"Leesh, remember at the club the other day when I was really upset because Ella was there?" I ask. She nods.

"Yeaaah..." Leesha says. I don't want to continue. I should have told her from the beginning, I knew she wouldn't think it was a big deal. It's not what they think, though. I just have to say it. No regrets.

"She kissed me," I say it loudly, my voice slightly wobbling out of nervousness. Leesha looks down into her lap.

"Oh... Did you like it?" What kind of question is that, Leesha? I want to scream it at her. That stupid kiss isn't what it seemed to be. Ella kissed me. I pushed her away. I love Leesha.

"Not at all. I thought about you the whole time." She looks up at me, shock and surprise on her face.

"You've always seen her as a threat, haven't you?" I ask her. She nods.

"I've liked you since I met you, Ana. I thought you were straight and suddenly you two were together... What else was I supposed to think?" She asks me. I shrug.

"I'm not understanding this," Darry says, breaking up Leesha's and my mini fight.

"Ella was an ex-girlfriend of mine. She's very... protective, if you know what I mean. She wouldn't let me talk to anyone else, look at anyone else, and I was blinded by her for a while. And then she found out about Leesha and I spending so much time with me around the time of the funeral, and she broke up with me. I don't know if she still likes me or not, but she hasn't wanted me to date anyone else, and she hates Leesha as much as Leesh hates her," I explain. And then the memories start flooding back. Our first kiss, our dates, the cute moments we had together, the romantic way she asked me out... How much I liked her.

It wasn't even close to how much I like -love- Leesha.

"It doesn't matter, though. She kissed me and I pushed her away and I went to find you," I declare after Leesha still says nothing.

"Okay, Ana. I'm not mad... but the next time someone kisses you other than me, can ya tell me please?" She asks. I nod, walking over to her. I sit on her lap and her arms immediately go around me. I turn my head back and we kiss. Steve rolls his eyes from below us.

"At least wait for midnight!" He says. I laugh, but don't get off her lap.

"Fine, Steve. Let's do something else then," I suggest.

"Like what?" He asks, seeming bored and uninterested.

"I dunno..." I respond, not having any ideas.

"I know!" Leesha yells. "Let's talk to Ponyboy. Nobody's really paid attention to him tonight." Ponyboy laughs.

"Wow, thanks," he says. Leesha smiles.

"Not a problem. Now let's hear about you and this girl!" She exclaims. I roll my eyes, resisting the urge to remind her that this girl is sitting across from her on the couch.

"We've known each other forever," Faith tells us.

"Well, sort of," Pony says. "A few months ago when Darry had to work late, he sent me out to get the groceries, and he had me get so much stuff that I couldn't carry it all. Then, this cute little stranger walked by and asked if I needed help," he explains, snaking his arm around Faith's waist. She blushes.

"She helped me take the groceries back home and I kinda got to know her. Then I didn't see her for a while, until the football game the other day, and I remembered how much I liked her... So I asked her to be my date for New Years," he finished.

"Awe!" I squealed. He blushed, probably embarrassed of me.

"Guys!" Two-Bit yells, grabbing the remote from Darry. We all look over at him.

"It's 11:59!" He exclaims, and we watch the count down.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" I watch the ball hit the ground, and then I look over to Leesha. She kisses me, and I can see Johnny and Dally, Ponyboy and Faith all sharing this moment.

"Happy New Year!"

A/N: Posted one minute to midnight on 12/31/15

Happy New Year! I hope 2016 treats you all well, and I'll see you in the next update. -Katy

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