Chapter 11

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We leave around 9 PM for a club in Downtown Tulsa, about 45 minutes away. Leesha grabs my hand as soon as Darry stops the truck, and runs in with me in tow.

"I haven't been to a club like this in months," she said, looking longingly at the open door. But we have to wait. There's a line, with only one guy checking ID's. Dally walks right past us with the rest of the gang in tow. I can feel nervous energy in my stomach, I've never been to a place like this. I've been to the local bars in town, Charlie's and Buck's, and a few other bars with Leesha by the college, but she's never taken me somewhere like this. I watch the flashing lights of the club in front of us nervously.

"You coming?" He asks. I raise an eyebrow, but we still follow. When we get to the door, he snaps his fingers in front of the doorman. I give Leesha a quizzical look, hoping our crazy friend won't get us all arrested.

"Hey, Winston! How's it goin', man?" The doorman asks.

"Not too bad, man. Mind if we head in?" Dallas asks the man, who shrugs in response.

"Go ahead man. Just don't get us caught." The doorman winks, and the 8 of us saunter in.

"C'mon, let's go get drinks," Leesha says, taking my hand again. I sigh, the strobe lights above making me dizzy.

"I'll just take a soda," I tell the bartender, but Leesha whispers something to him, and we end up getting two glasses of the same thing, which is dark and smelly.

"What's this?" I ask her. She smiles.

"Try it." I do, and immediately wish I didn't. I feel a burning sensation as I swallow from my mouth, down my throat and all the way into my stomach. She watches me, and I begrudgingly chug until I finish the glass, just to make her happy.

"Oh my god, Leesha, what was that?" I exclaim.

"Nice job, baby," she says, kissing my cheek and completely avoiding my question.

"Woah, Annalise. For someone who doesn't drink, you sure drank tha pretty fast," Darry says. I jump, not even realizing that he was behind us, and worry for a moment that he saw Leesha kiss me. Without asking about it, I swat his chest for teasing me, and watch as he orders a beer.

"Says the one that can't hold his alcohol. You must just be jealous," I tease.

"Never going to let that go, are you, Ana?" He asks. I shake my head, laughing.

"That was four years ago. Almost five," he reminds me. I shrug.

"Either way, it still happened, little brother," I tell him. He shrugs, sighing, as he runs a hand through his hair. He lingers for another second, waiting for his drink, then goes off to mingle as soon as he gets it, leaving me with only a few words.

"See you guys later. Be careful, Ana. I know you aren't a big drinker, so try not to have too much," he warns. I roll my eyes.

"I'll be just fine, thank you," I say. Leesha laughs at both of us and the bartender hands me another of whatever I just drank. Then, Leesha suggests we take them and go towards the dance floor. I decide that's a good idea, and that maybe I could set the drink down when she isn't looking so I don't have to finish it.

I don't have time to, though, because my arm is grabbed and I'm being pulled away as soon as we get there. I scream and turn around to see who had be in their grasp. Ella. I gasp, but I shouldn't have been surprised. Ella grew up about two towns from us, in a small suburb of Tulsa. She's probably visiting family just like I am.

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