Chapter twenty-four WHY ME?!

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You woke up, now you were being shaken awake.

You looked up and saw Shanon.


"Waking you up you slept throught your ENTIRE first block"

You looked over at you alarm clock.

"BLAH IM GONNA BE LATE WHICH I DON'T NEED." You ran to your closet and threw on your uniform. Brushed your hair then tossed your brush onto your bed.

"SEE You Later." You called to Shanon.

You almost ran to DADA.

You slid in to your desk as the bell rang.

You were very light headed, but thought it was because of not eating.

You pressed your palms into your forehead trying to concentrate.

It wasn't working !!

You began seeing spots. You looked up to see umbridge smirk. That was the last thing you saw aside from darkness.

Draco's P.O.V

You were just listening to Umbridge when all of a sudden you hear a thud.

You look over to see Riddle had passed out. She is soo pathetic.

You watched a Potter carried her to the hospital wing.

Whatever she deserves everything she gets.

She is nothing but a blood traitor.

*ugh* you thought *why did i ever even hang out with her. She is and was nothing to me*

This is probably a cry for attention.

Again She is PATHETIC!!!!!!!!

Oh good class is finally over* You thought * now where is Pansy.

A/N: IM SOOOOOO SORRY ITS SOOOO SHORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i couldn't think of anything else to put!! and the rest of the story it in Draco's p.O.v.

Green and silver {A Draco Malfoy love story} (Editing ^.^)Where stories live. Discover now