Chapter nine Daddy's back..

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The morning of the third task your heart was pounding. You couldn't think straight. The past few months had gone by so fast. You and Cedric had been practicing all the time. You had faith in him but you had a feeling in your gut that something was happening and it was happening today. You hadn't talked to dad since that night in the hospital wing. You were thinking this may have been what you were feeling in the begining of the year.

You hadn't slept so you had been writing here's what you wrote :

What happens when we die?

Where do we go?

What do people remeber?

Do they remember how we were,

Or what we were not.

What memories do they retain,

And which do they push away.

Will those who never knew us,

Believe the lies that grace the lips of those,

Who thought to have known us?

I suppose we won't know.

Sometimes the less we know the better.

And you were scared. You spent most of the day in your room. You had been playing your guitar when you heard a knock at the door.

"Come in " You replied. Credirc came in.

"Hey beautiful" Cedric said

"Hey" you replied sleepily.


"A little"

"Come on we gotta get down to the quiddich pitch"

You sighed "okay"

"Cedric?" You said on the way.

"Yeah Courtney?"

"I love you, don't die when your in there"

"I love you too, and i'll try" he said then he kissed you.

"Bye" you said when you got to the stand stairs.

Once you were there you had to wait in the stands. But Cedric was down there with his dad Amos. You had met Amos over the summer. He quite liked you.

Anyway once the champions were down there Dumbledore began to talk.

"For this final task the four champions must face the maze. The triwizard cup is hidden in the middle of the maze. Whoever touches the the cup first will be the winner. Since Mr. Potter and Mr. Diggory are tied for the lead they will enter the maze at the same time. Follower by Mr. Krum and then Ms. Delacore. On three.


t-" and he was cut off by the cannon and the band. You felt tears well up in your eyes as they entered the maze. You felt like this wasn't good-bye for now, it felt like good-bye forever.

About a half hour later you saw red sparks fly up into the sky.

You kinda hoped it was Cedric but, alas, it was not. It was Fleur.

Harry Potter's P.O.V.

" On the count of three. We take the cup together.




And we took it. But i felt a familiar jerk from behind your naval.

Then you felt the ground beneath you feet.

As you looked around you realized where you were.

"I've been here before" You said thinking out loud while Cedric was saying in amazement

Green and silver {A Draco Malfoy love story} (Editing ^.^)Where stories live. Discover now