"Oh yeah?!" Naruto dashed towards him before I had the chance to stop him. He prepared his shadow clones but they were nothing to Kabuto who threw blood on Naruto's eyes to blind him and flung him away. Shizune rushed to catch him in her arms and she spat out poisoned senbon from her mouth towards Kabuto. Just by moving his head, he blocked the senbon with his headband.

"Thanks Shizune,"Naruto said as he wiped the blood from his eyes. I glanced back at Kabuto and spotted a plasma pill in his hand before he swallowed it. 

He's trying to replace the blood he lost.

"So, he's a medical ninja like me."Shizune pointed out, still holding onto Naruto.

"Lord Orochimaru, isn't it time to take the bandages off your arms?'Kabuto asked with a smirk. Orochimaru chuckled, smiling and by using his teeth, he ripped the bandages off.

"Well now we can finally get down to business."Jiraiya said. He looked at the trembling Tsunade before turning to Shizune. "Shizune, I'll let you take care of four eyes over there." She gave a quick nod.  "Leave Orochimaru to me but there's one more thing. I want Tsunade to do something about my body."

"It may be a while before the effects of the drug leave your body,"Shizune replied. "I'm very sorry but it can't be helped Master Jiraiya." His eyes whitened and his mouth dropped.

"WHAT?! YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING!" He closed his eyes, sighing. "Oh well, what can you do. I'll just have to face him the way I am. Tsunade, use your recovery ninjutsu and rest."

"What about me?"Naruto questioned, looking up at him with pleading eyes. "What should I do?" What's the point of even asking. Jiraiya always says the same thing: NO. Don't get involved.

"Don't do anything. You three will stand guard over Tsunade, okay?"

"Come on! I want to fight this guy for what he did-"

"Forget about it! That jerk with the glasses is right, you're in over your head." Naruto's eyes trembled while he frowned. Sheesh. You didn't have to agree with that a-hole over there.  "One of the opponents is a Sanin like me and the man who killed the Third Hokage. I am the only one who can fight Orochimaru!"he declared loudly. "Four eyes over there could go toe to toe with Kakashi if he had to!"

"Don't worry, not a problem!" Naruto was ready to use his shadow clones but I stopped him by cracking down my fist on his head. Naruto yelped and fell forward. "OWWW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR, SHIORI?!"

"STUPID! DON'T WASTE YOUR CHAKRA! THERE'S NO POINT! SHADOW CLONES AREN'T ENOUGH TO FIGHT THAT JERK!"I shouted back. Naruto winced at my voice and mumbled under his breath. "What was that?" I eyed him suspiciously. He shook his head quickly before standing back up. "Thought so. Look, I want to fight him too for what they did to not only Sasuke but the whole leaf village but Master Jiraiya is right. I doubt we could do anything against him."I whispered.

"Let's get this started!"Jiraiya shouted. He bit his finger while Kabuto used the blood from his hand and slid it down one of Orochimaru's arms.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

"Summoning Jutsu!"  A huge, two-headed snake appeared for Orochimaru while Jiraiya was only able to summon Gamakichi. I sweat dropped.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?! WHERE'S YOUR FATHER?!"Jiraiya demanded. I sighed and folded my arms across my chest.

"You still can't build up enough chakra, "I muttered. "It's most likely due to the effects of the drug."

"Well Jiraiya, still playing the fool I see,"Orochimaru sneered. "You always were ridiculous." We're getting mocked by the enemy, he's laughing at us.. I face palmed. Though it's not really Jiraiya's fault.. "Clearly our Tsunade has gotten to you somehow."

Kakashi's Daughter! Book One: The Struggles of Becoming A Ninja!Where stories live. Discover now