Dungeon Chapter 16 - Something Lost

Start from the beginning

            “There must be a way to merge these…” Endeavor muttered. Taking the first part, she said, “There may be something back in the main hall.”

            The threesome returned to the main room, and then down to the raised platform. Endeavor held the key parts up. The light shimmered off their white metallic sides. She said, “There must be some melody to merge them together. We do not have time to try and find the Song of Time…it may have been something hidden in the temple.”

            Link had an idea. So far, all of his plans had gone well, so he thought he might as well try. He played the Song of Healing. Endeavor turned back to him as he finished. Nothing had happened to the key. She asked, “What was the point-”

            Her arms began to tremble. Link looked at the key. Between the two parts, white metal began to form between them. She dropped it as the light continued to glow in her eyes.

            The key rolled a bit until it hit Link’s boot. He leaned down and picked it up. It was a long white key, with the open wings of Hylia’s symbol at the top. The notches in the key had an hourglass in them. Diamonds studded the key on its handle. The light refracted off the gems and cast small rainbows all across the room.

            Suddenly, the room shook. Link braced himself, and raised his shield in case something appeared to attack them or fell form the ceiling.

            There was a particularly strong jolt. Link tumbled forward a bit. Endeavor grabbed him by his sword strap, and pulled him back in. Link turned to her. She said, “Look at the temple outside this platform.”

            Link looked back at the temple. The marble was cracking. Dust settled on everything. Spider webs hung from every corner, and for split seconds, Link saw what had made them. The thing grew and grew every time Link saw it, and Link had a sinking feeling about what it was.

            Chunks of marble began to fall off. The carpet on the stairs was torn and eaten through in places by moths. At the top of the stairs, a door began to appear. It was a white marble door with a large frame made of the same material. A white metal lock hung across it in the shape of Hylia’s symbol. The frame was laced with groves that looked like webs. Until Link could get closer, he wasn’t sure they weren’t spider webs.

            Finally, the shaking stopped. Link asked, “What just happened?”

            “We returned to our time,” Endeavor said. “Which seems to be the only time we could have reached Hylia’s shrine anyway. The door did not appear until now.”

            “There’s something else behind there…” Zelda stated. “Did you see that thing…that horrible thing that was here?”

            “How long does it take a pureblood Gohma to reach adulthood?” Link asked suddenly.

            Endeavor looked at him. She must have come to the same conclusion as him. She said, “Several hundred years.”

            “How far in the past to you think we were?” Zelda asked.

              When Endeavor didn’t answer, Zelda looked at Link. He looked at Endeavor, hoping she might say something.

            It wasn’t comforting when she did answer. “I have no idea what this creature will be like. I hardly knew what the young ones would be like. But now…we are about to go up against a beast that was designed by the Demon Lord himself. Even if the Goddess Hylia created this one, its original creation was one of pure evil. Do not doubt that for a moment.”

            “You’re such a motivational speaker,” Zelda replied.

            “What else would you like me to say?” Endeavor asked. “To get your hopes up that this creature will be nothing be a simple trial? I am telling you exactly what we will face that best way I can. Which is that...I know nothing about it...” She turned to Link. “Though, I do not believe we will die, this will not be a simple fight.”

            Link held the key in his hand still. He put his shield away for a moment and walked up to the door. He slid the key into the lock. There was an ominous click as the key opened it, before the lock fell from the door. It stayed there.

            The door dissolved into a puff of dust. There was a gust of wind that made a hollow noise as it came down the dark tunnel through the door. Link swallowed and drew his sword and shield. What he was about to face was like nothing he had fought before, but he knew fear would only lead to the worst in the end.

            Resolved in this, Link headed down the dark tunnel to see what lay beyond…

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