Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

[Selena's POV]

I stare blankly at the empty side of the bed next to me. It's been empty for too long now.

Forcing myself out of bed, I walk into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and comb my hair before I look at myself in the mirror. They're bags under my eyes being that I haven't gotten a good night sleep since what's happened.

My eyes widen when I realize that in a couple of days it'll be two years since I last saw Justin.

Two years since he was handcuffed and put into the back of that police cruiser.

Two years since he was taken away from me.

Two years since he told me that there wasn't a future for us.

And yet, to this very day, I still haven't given up hope.

I shake my head and exit the bathroom. I get into the dresser and pull out a random pair of sweats and a tank top. Of course, the pair of sweatpants that I had picked out are a pair of Justin's. I smile faintly as I dress myself.

After I'm done I head downstairs.

"Look who's finally awake." Alfredo teases as he walks out of the living room just as I reach the last step on the staircase.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Just past noon," he replies, walking into the kitchen and I follow. "Around the usual time you finally pull yourself out of bed."

I glare at him, but I can't stop a smile from spreading across my face. "Do you always have to be a jerk towards me?"

"You know I'm just messing with you." he says, chuckling softly.

I hear the front door to the house open and close which causes my head to snap behind me. A few seconds later, Louis appears as he walks into the kitchen. I give him a warm smile before turning back around.

"There's at least a foot of snow on the ground." Louis says, getting into the fridge and pulls out a bottle of water.

"Where have you been?" I question.

I take notice to how Louis' cheeks and nose are almost as red as a tomato. He has on a heavy pair of gloves along with a coat. If I had to guess, it looks like he's been outside in the cold for awhile.

"I went back to the jail," he says which gets my full attention. "I sat outside on the side of the building to wait for any of the guards to walk out. I was out there for at least three hours and nobody came out. So I left."

I frown. Louis has been going to the jail where Justin is for the last couple of months. Alfredo has came up with a plan to get Justin out and he's told Louis the plan, but he hasn't told me all the details. All I know is that the plan involves Louis getting a key from one of the guards.

"Try again tomorrow." Alfredo says. "And go at a different time."

"Why haven't you told me the plan?" I ask, directing my question at the both of them.

"Until I know if we can even get what we need for the plan to be put into action, I wouldn't worry about it." Alfredo answers.

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