Chapter Six - An Old Friend

Start from the beginning

"Your lucky he didn't charge you," a masculine voice stated from above you.

You jumped from the sudden addition of a person and nearly fell from the branch. A figure swung down in front of you as he hung from the branch above you with his legs.

"Hello (y/n)," he said.

"How in the name of hell do you know my name, and who are you?" you asked.

"You can answer that yourself girly, and if you don't remember, then shame on you."

You stared at the man's upside down form. He had blond hair, which seemed that it would hit just about shoulder length if the majority of it wasn't tied back into a ponytail. His eyes were mostly hidden behind a pair of black aviators but you could tell the irises were violet with specks of light blue. He wore a red plaid flannel shirt that was beginning to ride up from him hanging upside down. A pair a dark wash denim jeans covered his lower half, and a pair of red and white Converse adorned his feet. A light bulb suddenly went off in your head.

"Where the heck have you been Matthieu Williams?!" you exclaimed as you poked his nose with an index finger.

"With my father," he stated slightly annoyed from you poking him.

"Well no shit Sherlock. You sure as hell haven't been with your mother!"

"Oh, hush. I left to protect her and you."


"You heard me."

"I don't understand how you leaving our civilization was "protecting" us?"

He suddenly smirked, showing two elongated canines. "Do you understand now?" he asked.

"Yeah," you gulped. "Can you stop hanging upside down please? You're making a bit nervous."

"How am I making you nervous?"

"I keep thinking you're going to fall when you sway like that."

"What, you mean like this?"

"Oh my God, stop! I don't want you to get eaten by that thing!" You pointed to the polar bear that hadn't left yet.

"Oh, you mean Kuma. Yeah, he's not going to hurt you."

"You named it?!"

"First of all, Kuma is a boy. Second of all, yes, I did name him. He is my pet after all."

"What the heck?! Why did you choose a polar bear of all animals to be your pet?!"

"Because I'm part Canadian, eh?"

"That doesn't mean crap, but I'm just going to go with it."

"Do you want me to get your shoe back?"

"Yes please."

Matt nodded and let himself fall from the tree. You gasped but noticed that Kuma had caught him on his back. The blond patted the bear's head and walked over to your shoe, picking it up before climbing back up the tree's trunk. He gestured for you to give him your barefoot, which you did. He slid the red ballet flat onto your foot. You let your legs dang over the ground, swinging them back and forth alternately. Kuma watched them move, moving his head in sync with you left leg. He seemed entertained by the motion even though it was a simple one.

"So, how long have you been one of those blood sucking leeches?"

"My whole life, but I'm only half of one."

For Eternity (Vampire! 2p! Italy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now