Kaden Carson Tazer. This time we didn't name him after anyone or anything in particular. Hunter just wanted a kick-butt name.

Suddenly, Hunter's arms wrapped around my huge stomach as I piled on another pancake onto a plate.

"You know you shouldn't be roaming around while you're about to pop this little boy out."

"Hunt, I'm pregnant not disabled." I said kissing him. "Well, you could have fallen down the stairs." He pouted. "I had the twins with me." I shrugged. "Right, because five year old kids are gonna stop a heavily pregnant woman from falling? So realistic." He said helping himself to one of my pancakes.

If I wasn't in such a good mood I would have wrestled him for it. And I was capable of doing it.

Hunter went and sat on one of the stools of the kitchen island and pulled the twins onto his lap and kissed them both. "How did you guys sleep?" He asked.

"Good. But Bree kicked me in the stomach." Storm moaned. "I did not!" Breeze defended herself. Those two argued like crazy but at bedtime they refused to sleep in separate beds.

I placed a steaming pile of pancakes in front of them and started getting the rest of the breakfast ready because my cravings for pancakes were gone now and what I really wanted was eggs and bacon. Wow.

Hunter, Storm and Breeze all put their hands out to take one but I glared at them sternly. "No. Not till Scar and JJ come down."

They all groaned at the same time. "It's like I've got three five year olds in this house." I mumbled.

All of a sudden JJ was down in a flash. "I smell pancakes!"

Then his golden eyes met with the pancakes and then he hugged me. "Oh mother you brilliant creature!" He sighed and he was about to reach out too but I stopped him.

"Not until your sister comes down."

He groaned the same way his dad and siblings had. Oh I love my family.

They sat there impatiently and finally Scarlett came down, twisting her long curls up in a neat bun as she walked. She was only ten but it was like she was a thirty year old woman trapped inside.

The rest of the family barely hesitated and just dug into the breakfast.

After washing her hands delicately, Scarlett joined in with them and ate just as roughly as they did.

"JJ! Eat with your mouth closed." I ordered, frowning at him and then glared at Hunter. "You're no better either."

"Kaden's gonna be just the same." Scarlett said shaking her head. "No! Don't you dare curse my baby like that." I laughed.

The kitchen door opened again and Dani walked in with Misty who immediately jumped next to Scarlett and hugged her. Evan walked in after her, carrying their six month old baby, Zander and their six year old, Jason and also tugging their suitcases behind.

"Hello, Tazer family!" She said excitedly and hugged every single one of us, even Hunter. And her and her family say down and tucked into our breakfast happily.


Micael and Cassie were next to arrive. They'd given birth to their daughter April-Belle or just Bella, a year after Scarlett but they were still the best of friends with Misty.

They had another daughter, Snowy who was the shyest werewolf kid i'd ever met. Next came Cole who scared me with his hyperactivness.

They all just pretty much made themselves comfortable which warmed my heart being surrounded by all these kids.

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