chapter 18

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Reagan's POV

The first trimester went better than anyone would have anticipated. I dealt with the usual morning sickness, and I was exhausted all of the time, but as far as my mental state, nothing was really out of the ordinary. I was still working with the WWE during Raw, Smackdown and the monthly PPV's. During down time Joe and I were at home and I was seeing the Dr. so much I felt like a human pin cushion.

Colby was still training hard and his return match against Joe was slated about 2 months away. Part of me would be sad to see Joe's title reign end because he had worked so hard and been through so much just to get that belt, but I had to admit part of me was looking forward to having him home with me when I could no longer travel. I had become very used to having Joe around me nearly all of the time and I was a little apprehensive at the prospect of us being separated, even for minimal amounts of time.

The day had finally come for my ultrasound and Joe and I went back and forth several times about whether or not we wanted to know the sex of the baby. We finally decided that we were going to be surprised. At this point all that mattered anyway was that we got this kid out healthy and I didn't lose my mind in the process.

"well Reagan the good news is that the baby is growing right on schedule, so far everything seems to be just fine with the fetus"

That was the good news, which seemed to imply that there was bad news. I had been spending every single day of this pregnancy waiting for the shoe to drop and suddenly I felt like I was about to be hit in the head with one of Joes size 15 boots.

"Is something wrong with Reagan?" Joe picked up on the implication as well and I was glad. He could ask the question and I wouldn't have to look like the paranoid negative Nancy I felt like these days.

"well her levels are a little low this week. Its not a huge drop but it is significant enough that we need to exercise some caution. It could be just stress, fatigue, or it could signify that he body is no longer responding to her medication. Either way we have to take action now.

"what can we do?" Joe was trying to act calm for my benefit but I could see the worry in his eyes.

"well we are going to have to start by cutting out her travel. We always knew that her working would be contingent on how well her body was tolerating it, and I think now is probably the time for her to quit. Next, while I cant increase the dosage of her current prescription because she is already at the safe limit we are going to add a new low dosage antidepressant to work with it.

The ride home was anything but quiet. Joe tried making small talk about unimportant things. He asked me if I had seen his blue sock , he was missing one, he asked me if I thought the soup we had on the way home was a little too salty. He talked 100 miles an hour about absolutely everything except what needed to be discussed. "You don't think I am going to be able to handle it on my own while you are gone do you?" "Of course I do baby. its not going to be for that long anyway"

"8 weeks" I chimed in. "It will go by before we know it... " I knew he was trying to remain calm and positive for my benefit. I also knew that he was just about the most horrible liar I knew. He was worried about leaving me alone, and to be quite honest so was I.

Romans POV

The Dr. had not given us the news I was really hoping we would hear. Doc could not travel anymore which in essence meant she could not work anymore which meant When I had to travel she would be home alone. I tried to pretend like it was no big deal but Doc saw thru me immediately.

"Colby what am I going to do? " I had been leaning on Colby a lot lately, for advice on really serious subjects. That in itself was suprising but not nearly as surprising as the fact that he was actually quite helpful.

"I haven't been cleared yet for travel either so why don't I just stay in your guestroom and help Doc out while your gone. "

Ordinarily Colby suggesting that he move into my house with my wife while I am on the other side of the country would send up all sorts of red flags but in this situation all it got him was a fistbump and a man hug. Selling the idea to Doc was going to be another matter entirely.

"OK" was her response as I pitched her the idea. I had at least 20 or thirty minutes of selling points left but she got up and went into the other room in less time than it took Sheamus to cash in his money in the bank on my ass.

"Ok" was all she said...and I knew then and there that things were anything but.

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