The Time Off

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Louis Tomlinson POV

"Well, we did it lads!" I screamed out as we were headed to the airport.
"What did we do?" Harry looked at me with his long hair in a bun, watching YouTube.
"We're now officially on break, finally!" Liam sighed, as he wiggled down in his car seat, as I was driving.
"I will miss the fans." Niall shouted, as Harry looked back at him from the passenger seat. "Oh, sorry." Niall whispered.
Harry and I were dating, but I wouldn't let the fans know, as they have the thought that we are. We tried to make it a secret from Niall and Liam, but Niall knew. He had a little smile as Harry turned back around to face the window. I looked left, as I made a stop. There's was nearly any gas, so I went to the nearest gas station. "Hey, why we stopping?" Niall leaned in, as Harry looked at him. "We're almost out of gas. Louis is getting some."
"Yeah, get your facts straight, Niall." Liam scoffed, as he hit him. "Get something, while we are here. I'll hang with Lou." Harry said to them, as Liam nodded, and Niall smiling widely. They got out of the car, as Harry and I waited. "I need to get gas." I said to Harry, as he put away his phone and got out of the car and back around to my side of the car. He opened my door for me, as I got out gracefully, like a complete idiot. Harry laughed, as I got the gas petal and opened the gas filler. I still don't know what it's called. Harry was close to me, as I started to pump some gas in the SUV. "So, you excited on being a dad?" Harry said, as he ruffled his man bun a bit.
"Kinda depends." I shrugged, as I looked at the gas stations.
"How so?" Harry folded his arms.
"Well, its gonna be awkward, since I'm with you, as I got another girl pregnant, and like..." I went on and on, as Harry nodded.
"What else?" Harry messed with my hair, as I got done filling the gas.
"..I might not be there when it... Grows up. Because she now knows that I'm bisexual." I closed the gas thingy.
"And people think that Taylor Swift and I should date again." Harry mumbled, as I looked over to him.
"Dude, she's engaged."
"Exactly!" Harry threw is arms up, as Liam and Niall came back, with two bags, and four drinks.
"Hey, did you know there were bottled teas?" Niall said as he gave Harry and I one.
"Yes." Harry and I said together, as Niall frowned, and Liam yelled, "Hah! You owe me twenty pounds, bitch!"
"What's in the bags?" Harry pointed at the two full bags.
"Candy." Liam excitedly told us.
"Good." Harry smiles.
"And 5 hour energy for Lou." Niall smiled.
"Why would I need that?" I scoffed.
"I don't know." Niall shrugged.
"Exactly." I got back in the car, and started it. Harry got in the passenger seat, as the two got in the back.
Harry got back to watching YouTube, as Niall an Liam were having a bit of a fight.
About Kim Kardashians new baby.
"I mean, why would they name a kid Saint?" Liam yelled at Niall, as Niall screamed back, "Its a cute name, like North West!"
"Oh no, North West is the dumbest name I heard ever."
"Like the name Taco Bell!" Niall ate some M&Ms, as Harry paused his video.
"Taco Bell? That's a name of a taco place, Niall." Harry looked back at him, as I concluded, "Get your facts straight, Niall."
Niall sighed, as I turned to the airport, where our private plane was. But, we had to go to the entrance.
Filled with some fans.
I parked the car to the nearest rental, as we all got our suitcases, as we went inside the airport. "Gee, its more crowded then I thought." Harry was next to me, as Niall chuckled a bit. Liam looked around, as he pointed to a authority desk. We walked up to the desk, as there was a line.
"Ah, shoot. We have to wait, and our flight is here!" Liam groaned.
"But we're celebrities. Should we get cuts?" Niall added, as Harry looked up from the crowd. No one has noticed us yet, as Harry grabbed my hand. Liam looked down, and whispered to Niall, "Oh, I knew it." Liam smiled as Niall grinned. Harry did not mind, as I looked around. I saw some fans, and gulped. Harry intertwined his fingers in mine, as we were almost to the desk. We got to the desk, as Harry let go of my hand, very quickly. I looked down, and Niall looked up from us. "So, you gonna do something?" Niall squeezed in front of us, as the clerk looked at Niall.
"Yes?" She told Niall.
"Yes, miss, um... We have a private plane." Niall leaned in.
"Last names?" She got on her laptop to look it up.
"Horan, Payne, Styles, and Tomlinson." Niall smiled, as she shook her head.
That's a bad sign.
"Um, Mr. Horan, your plane doesn't get here in another 5 hours." She somehow knew Niall's last name, as Harry added, "They specifically told us it would be at this time, 7 pm!"
"It doesn't get here until midnight." She scoffed at Harry. "I'll alert you guys when the plane gets here. You can just sit back and relax for five hours."
"Fuck!" Harry yelled, as she said, "Don't use that mouth with me, mister."
Harry mumbled, as he went to the seats. We all followed Harry, as Liam grabbed Niall's shirt, as he barely tripped a bit and got up to Liam.
We sat down, as Harry grabbed his phone out and some earbuds, as he set his suitcase next to mine. He had offered me an ear bud so I can listen, so I took one. He was just watching YouTube videos, as always.

Liam Payne POV

"Liam, can you come with me to the bathroom?" Niall poked me as I looked at him.
"Why would I take you to the bathroom?"
"Just in case fans trample me as I try to go to it."
"Fine." I rolled my eyes, as I got up as I followed Niall to the bathroom.
We got in the bathroom successfully, as I looked in the mirror to fix my hair.
"Are you Liam Payne from One Direction?" A voice said, as I looked to my left to see a man.
"Yeah." I said, as he then said, "My girlfriend really likes you guys very much." He crossed his arms, as I smiled.
"Why, do you want a picture? I'm just waiting for my friend to get out."
"Which friend?"
"Yeah, we can all have a picture when he gets out." He said, as I heard a toilet flush, which was Niall. But something started to gurgle.
"Shit, I clogged the toilet!" Niall yelled, as I sighed. Niall opened the door, and smiled weakly.
"Is it bad?" I asked.
"Yeah, its bad. You wanted a picture?" Niall asked the man, as he nodded.
"Smells pretty bad." He said. "We should really get the hell out."
"Yep." Niall and I said, as we got out. He got his phone out, as he turned it to selfie mode. He took a selfie with us, as he laughed.
"Oh, she's so going to freak." He said, as he put it on his Snapchat.
Niall nodded, as we waved at him, and got to Louis and Harry. Louis looked at the private plane. "I wonder who the private plane is for.." He mumbled, as Harry looked at the same way.
"Another celebrity?" Harry looked at Louis, as he shrugged. Then, as he said that, there were many flashes, as four people came our way, to the private plane.
"Who are they?" Niall murmured, as I looked a little bit closer.
"I don't know, but I think they're a band." I murmured back, as Louis stood up.
"I never saw them before in my life." He said, as our fans were cheering.
"It's not Fall Out Boy."
"Or Five Seconds of Summer." Harry added, as he stood up.
"This is odd." Niall looked at me, as I nodded my head.
I grabbed my phone and took a picture as quickly as I could.
"Guys, we need to figure out who these people are, and quick."
"Why quick?" Louis looked at me, as Harry had his arm around him.
See, I fucking knew that they are dating.
"So that's why we are not getting trampled." Niall gulped, as two people walked up to us. "Oh my god, do you guys no who that is?" One of the people pointed at them.
"No." All of us said together.
"Good, I thought we were the only ones." The other sighed, as Harry looked at them.
"You guys look familiar." Harry said, as he looked on his phone. Then had a spark.
"Oh my god! You're Smosh!"

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