The Carriage

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Anna: OMG let's go!the carriage arrived!
Mother: Anna be like a princess don't jump,spin,shout ör even sneeze!
Ash: I'll do that also!
Mother of Ash: Be like a princess both of you girls now let's go!
(They go out of house and left it behind them for ever!The security guy didn't talk any world he just pointed at the seats tolding us to sit! It was a shinny gold lovely carriage it was fantastic!We sat in the carriage and start our journey to the castle!)
(They saw a nice veiw out of the buildings and factories they saw the nature!trees grass everything you can imagine!)
(It was very cilent until Anna says: is the castle too far?)
The security guy: No my princess it takes only 5 minutes to reach to the castle!
Ash in a low voice: Anna he call you princess!!
Anna: Yes I know, I did like it!
Ash: sir...can I ask
(She asks to see if he says yes my princess only)
The security guy: Yes my princess you can ask anytime!
Ash:(She was happy with this)Umm...uh...umm...uh..umm it's umm
The security guy: Yes my princess what's the problem?
Ash: Nothing I was about to ask you is the castle from inside?
The security guy: We arrived, you will see the castle from inside by yourself!

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